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Letter W: Data Formats & File Extensions

Find data file formats and file extensions that start with the letter W, or view thousands of file extensions and file formats in the complete list.

With literally thousands of data file formats employed by Windows and Window-based apps, keeping track of all the file extensions employed by your software applications and programs can be quite a challenge. Fortunately, Webopedia’s Complete List of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it quick and easy to sift through thousands of file extensions and data file formats to find exactly what you need. You can peruse the full list or search for data formats and file extensions based on the letter they start with from the table below.

Data File Formats that Begin with the Letter ‘W’

.w Database AppBuilder Source Code file
Word chart file (APPLAUSE)
.w02 Multiple Archive file
.w30 Printer font (AST TurboLaser) (Ventura Publisher)
.w31 Startup file (Windows 3.1)
.w3g Warcraft III file
.w3m Warcraft III Map file
.w44 Temporary file for Sort or Index (dBASE)
.w5v Winamp file
.wab Outlook File
.wac Infinity Game Engine WAVC Sound
.wad Doom Game file
Gunman Chronicle Archive
Half Life Archive
Heretic Archive
Hexen Archive
Quake Archive
Theme Park World Archive
.waf Mayim’s WAF Compiler file
.wal Winamp Skin file
WalMaster Showlist file
.war Java Web Archive (used by Servlets)
Konqeror HTML page archive
.wav Waveform audio file (RIFF WAVE format)
.wax Windows Media Player Redirect file
.wb1 Notebook (Quattro Pro)
.wb2 Spreadsheet (Quattro Pro)
.wb3 Quattro Pro for Windows
.wba WindowBlinds Compressed Skin
Winace Zip file
.wbc Webshots Picture Collection
.wbf Ms Windows Batch File (Catch)
.wbk Document/workbook (WordPerfect for Win)
.wbmp Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap file
.wbt Batch file (WinBatch)
.wbx Webigger file
.wbz WebShots file
.wcd Macro token list (WordPerfect for Win)
.wcm Data transmission file (MS Works)
Macro (WordPerfect for Win)
.wcp Product information description (WordPerfect for Win)
.wd2 Info Select for Palm Organizer file
WordExpress Document
.wdb Database (MS Works)
.wdf ReliaSoft Weibull 5.0
Workshare DeltaView DeltaFile
.wdl Windows XP Watchdog Log file
.web Web source code file
.wer Microsoft Windows Error Report file
.wfc Windows Connect Now file
.wfm Form object (dBASE Form Designer)
.wfn Font (CorelDRAW)
.wfx Data file (Winfax)
.wg1 Worksheet (Lotus 1-2-3/G)
.wg2 Worksheet (Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2)
.wgt Opera Widget file
.wid Width table (Ventura Publisher)
.wim Image Format file
.win Opera Saved Window file
Window file (FoxPro – dBASE)
Wonderware InTouch window file
.wiz Page wizard (MS Publisher)
.wjp WildTangent Branded .jpg file
.wk1 Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x – Symphony 1.1+)
.wk3 Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.x)
.wk4 Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.4)
.wkb Document (WordPerfect for Win)
Workbook file
.wke Spreatsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 educational version)
.wkq Spreatsheet (Quattro)
.wks Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 1A – Symphony 1.0 – MS Works)
Workspace (Xlisp)
.wll Word Add-in
.wlk Graphics (Virtus Walkthrough)
.wlt eWallet file
WaveL Wavelet Compressed Graphic
Words of Worship Liturgy
.wma Microsoft Active Streaming file
.wmc Backup of startup files by Windows MathCad autoexec.wmc
Macro file (WordPerfect for Win)
Text file (WordMARC)
.wmf Windows MetaFile vector graphics
.wml Wireless Markup Language
.wmv MS Active Streaming file
.wmz Windows Media Compressed skin file
.wn Text (NeXT WriteNow)
.wnf Outline font description (CorelDRAW native format)
.wo4 STABCAL file
.wo7 STABCAL file
.woa Swap file (Windows 3.x)
.woc Microsoft Office 2007 Organization file
Organization (Windows OrgChart)
.wor MapInfo Workspace
.wot WebEx Saved Meeting Movie
.wow Music (8 channels) (Grave Mod Player)
.wp Text file (WordPerfect 4.2)
.wp3 Microsoft Photo Story Project file
.wp5 Document (WordPerfect 5.x)
.wpd Document (WordPerfect 6.0 – PFS:WindowWorks)
.wpf Fax (WorldPort)
Form (WordPerfect)
.wpg WildTangent Branded .PNG file
Wordperfect Graphics vector graphics (DrawPerfect)
.wpj MS Works Projects
.wpk Macros (WordPerfect for Win)
.wpl Windows Media Player Playlist file/td>
Draxy Software Wallpaper Sequencer
Online WebPanel file
PFS WinWorks Spreadsheet
WHAT IF MOL-object
Words of Worship Playlist
.wpm Macros (WordPerfect)
.wps Text document (MS Works)
.wpt WordPerfect template
602 pro PC SUITE template document file
.wpw PerfectWorks document
.wq! Compressed spreadsheet (Quattro Pro)
.wq1 Spreadsheet (Quattro Pro)
.wr1 Spreadsheet (Symphony 1.1 – 1.2 – 2)
.wrd Template (Charisma)
.wrf used for WebEx recording. Microsoft office add-in for meeting
.wri Text file (Windows Write)
.wrk Spreadsheet (Symphony 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0)
.wrl Plain text VRML file
.wrml Plain text VRML file
.wrp Compressed Amiga file archive created by WARP
.wrs Windows Resource eg. printer driver (WordPerfect for Win)
.ws Text file (WordStar 5.0-6.0)
.wsf Windows Script file
.wss Web Screen Saver file (Web Screen Saver 2008)
.ws2 Text file (WordStar 2000)
.wsc Windows scripting component file
.wsd Document (WordStar)
.wsf Windows Script file
.wsh Windows Script Host Settings file
.wsp Workspace (Fortran PowerStation)
.wsr FirstStop WebSearch file
.wss Web Screen Saver file (Web Screen Saver 2008)
.wst Text file (WordStar)
.wsx WinMX Filesharing Program
.wsz Skin Zip file (WinAmp)
.wtd WinTune Document file
.wtr MS Encarta file
.wv WavPack compressed Audio file
.wve Component of a DIVX Movie Conversion
Psion Series 3a/3c/3mx Waveform sound file
.wvx Metafile
.wvw Backup Wonderware InTouch window file
.wwb Button bar for document window (WordPerfect for Win)
.wwk Keyboard layout (WordPerfect for Win)
.wwp Worms World Party Teams file
.wws AutoRoute User Information
.wwv WildTangent Branded .WAV file
.wxp Document (EXP for Windows)
.wxs Easy Cross crosstitch file
.wzg WZebra file
.wzs Microsoft Word wizard

Recommended Reading: An Introduction to Data File Formats and Their File Extensions

This article was last updated on April 16, 2012

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