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Letter Q: Data Formats & File Extensions

Find data file formats and file extensions that start with the letter Q, or view thousands of file extensions and file formats in the complete list.

With literally thousands of data file formats employed by Windows and Window-based apps, keeping track of all the file extensions employed by your software applications and programs can be quite a challenge. Fortunately, Webopedia’s Complete List of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it quick and easy to sift through thousands of file extensions and data file formats to find exactly what you need. You can peruse the full list or search for data formats and file extensions based on the letter they start with from the table below.

Data File Formats that Begin with the Letter ‘Q’

.q05 Intuit Canada Quick tax file, tax return file
.q9q BladePro Graphic Plugin file
.qad QuickArt database
.qag Quick Access Group (Norton Desktop)
.qap Application (Omnis Quartz)
.qbb QuickBooks for Windows Backup file
.qbe Saved query (Query By Example) (dBASE IV – Quattro Pro)
.qbk Intuit Canada Quick tax file, backup copy of tax return file
.qbl Business Lawyer Document
.qbo Compiled query (dBASE IV)
.qbr QuickBooks Report
.qbw Spreadsheet (QuickBooks for Windows)
.qcn Qualcomm Phonebook file
.qcp Qualcomm PureVoice File
Contains data frames generated by QCELP 13K vocoder
.qd0 Data file – segment 10 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd1 Data file – segment 1 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd2 Data file – segment 2 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd3 Data file – segment 3 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd4 Data file – segment 4 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd5 Data file – segment 5 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd6 Data file – segment 6 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd7 Data file – segment 7 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd8 Data file – segment 8 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd9 Data file – segment 9 (Omnis Quartz)
.qdat Quicktime Installer Cache
.qdb Quicken data file
.qdf Quicken for Windows data file
.qdt Quark Xpress Dictionary file
Question Mark Designer Test file
QuickBooks UK Accountancy Data file
Quicken Data file
.qdv Graphics (Steve Blackstock Giffer)
.qe4 Kingpin Project file
.qef Query file (Q+E for MS Excel)
.qel Quicken Electronic Library file
.qfl Quicken Family Lawyer file
.qfx Quicken Financial Exchange file
Fax (QuickLink)
.qhf QIP PDA History file
.qic Backup set for Microsoft Backup
.qif Quicken Interchange Format
Quicktime Image
.qix NovaStar Backup file
Quicken for DOS v.2 data file
.qlb Quick library (MS C/C++)
.qlc Data (PostScript help file) atmfonts.qlc
.qlf Family Tree Maker Genealogy file
.qlp Printer driver (QuickLink)
.qm4 Options or services file (QMail 4.x Mail Door)
.qm Virtual Box Language file
.qml Quick Markup Language file
.qph Intuit Quicken Price History file
.qpr Generated query program (FoxPro)
Print queue device driver (OS/2)
.qpw Quattro Pro Project file
.qpx Compiled query program (FoxPro)
.qrp QuickReport Report files
Centura Report Builder file
Liberty for Windows report file
.qrs Equation Editor support file (WordPerfect for Win)
.qrt Qrt ray tracing graphics
.qru SQL Query file
.qry Query (dBASE IV)
.qsd Quicken for Windows data file
.qsi Quintessential Stereotaxic Injector Commander log files
.qst Quake Spy Tab file
.qt Quicktime movie (animation)
.qtc Incite Media Assistant file
.qtk Apple QuickTake file format for Windows
.qtl Quick Time Media Link file
.qtp QuickTime Preferences
Astra Quicktest Report
.qts Macintosh PICT image
QuickTime image
.qtx QuickTime image
.que CuteFTP Queue file
Task Scheduler Queue Object
.qvm Quake file
.qvs Casio Digital Camera file
.qw Symantec Q&A Write file
.qwk QWK reader message file
.qxd QuarkXPress document file format
.qxl Element library (QuarkXPress)
.qxp QuarkXPress project file
.qxt Template file (QuarkXpress)

Recommended Reading: An Introduction to Data File Formats and Their File Extensions

This article was last updated on April 14, 2012

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