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Letter S: Data Formats & File Extensions

Find data file formats and file extensions that start with the letter S, or view thousands of file extensions and file formats in the complete list.

With literally thousands of data file formats employed by Windows and Window-based apps, keeping track of all the file extensions employed by your software applications and programs can be quite a challenge. Fortunately, Webopedia’s Complete List of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it quick and easy to sift through thousands of file extensions and data file formats to find exactly what you need. You can peruse the full list or search for data formats and file extensions based on the letter they start with from the table below.

Data File Formats that Begin with the Letter ‘S’

.s Assembly source code file (Unix)
Scheme source code file
.s$$ Temporary sort file (Sprint)
.s3m Music (16 channels) (Scream Tracker 3.0)
.sac Shared Asset Catalog (Adobe)
.saf MusicMatch Jukebox Secure Audio file
Safe File Encryption (Helix Software)
Twelve Ghosts file
.sah SETI@Home data file
.sal Datafile (SORITEC)
.sam Text file (Samna – Lotus Ami/Ami Pro)
.sar Compressed file archive created by SAR (
.sas SAS System program
.sas7bcat SAS System file catalog
.sas7bdat SAS System data set
.sas7bndx SAS System index
.sas7bpgm SAS System Stored Program
.sas7bvew SAS Data Set View
.sas7mdb SAS System multidimensional database
.sat Standard ACIS Text file
.sav Backup file (saved file)
Saved game situation (eg. NetHack)
.sb Audio file (signed byte)
.sbc Sagebrush Corporation Spectrum CIRC/CAT Report
.sbd Storyboard (Storyboard Editor)
.sbi Sound Blaster Instrument file (Creative Labs)
.sbj Micrografx Clipart or Palette file
.sbn ArcView file (GIS)
.sbp Dml program (Superbase 4)
.sbr Support file (Source Browser)
.sbs SWAT HRU Output file
.sbt Notes related to record (Suberbase 4 Windows)
.sbx ArcView file (GIS)
.sc Pal script (Paradox)
Display driver (Framework II)
.sc3 Renamed dBASE III screen mask file (dBASE IV)
Screen device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.sca Datafile (SCA)
.scc Text file
.scd Scodl Scan Conversion Object Description Language graphics
.scf Multimedia show (ScoreMaker)
Spelling checker configuration (Symphony)
Windows Explorer command file
.sch Project schedule (Schedule Publisher)
Schematics file (ORCAD)
.sci System Configuration Information
Fax (SciFax)
.scm Scheme source code file
ScreenCam Movie file
SchematicMaker file
.scn Screen file (Kermit)
Pinnacle Studio Scene file
.sco High score
.scp Script (BITCOM)
.scr Debug source code file (DOS Debug)
Screen – screen snapshot (dBASE IV – Procomm Plus)
Screen font (LocoScript)
Screen saver (Windows 3.x)
Script (Kermit – 1st Reader)
.sct Screen memo (FoxPro)
Windows Script Component
.scx Bitmap graphics (ColorRIX)
Chart (Stanford Chart)
Screen (FoxPro)
.scy Security file (ReaGeniX)
.sda Fidonet’s Software Distribution Network file archive description
.sdc StarOffice Spreadsheet
.sdd StarOffice Presentation
.sdf System Data Format file (fixed lenght ASCII text)
.sdi Software Distribution Network Info file
Single Document Interface file
.sdn Software Distribution Network compressd file archive (pak251.exe)
.sdr SmartDraw file
.sds Chart Application Document file
.sdt SmartDraw Template
Dungeon Keeper 2 Archive
Theme Park World Archive
.sdu Edwards Systems Technology file
.sdw StarOffice Text
Raw Signed DWord Data
Lotus WordPro Graphic
.sea Self-Extracting compressed Macintosh file Archive
.sec CyberPaint animation file (sequence)
Secret key ring file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System)
Secured animation file (Disney Animation Studio)
.sed Self Extraction Directive file
.sep Printer separator page
.seq Atari animation file
Sequential Instruction File (Bubble Chamber)
.ses Session info (Clarion Modula-2)
.set Configuration (1st Reader)
Driver sets created by Install (Symphony)
Setup options file
.sf Ircam Sound File (CSound package – MixView sound sample editor)
Wps attribute storage (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell) wp_root.sf
.sf2 Creative Labs Soundfont file
.sfb HP Soft Font file
.sfc System File Checker file
.sff Fritz Fax-Print file
Stage Scene file
Structured Fax Format
.sfi Graphics (SIS Framegrabber)
Printer font (HP LaserJet landscape) (Ventura Publisher)
.sfl Pcl 4 bitmap font (landscape) (Intellifont) (Ventura Publisher)
.sfn Font (SPX)
.sfo CuteFTP Search file
.sfp Pcl 4 bitmap font (portrait) (Intellifont) (Ventura Publisher)
.sfs Pcl 5 scalable font file (Intellifont)
.sft Screen font (ChiWriter)
.sfv QuickSFV/WinSFV Checksum file
Simple File Verification (Easy SFV Creator)
.sfw Seattle Film Works file
.sfx Self Extracting Archive file
.sg1 Graphics (Stanford Graphics)
.sgf Document with graphics (Starwriter)
Smart Game Format
Sonique Skin
.sgi Graphics (IRIS – Silicon Graphics)
.sgm Standard Generalized Markup Language file
Run-Time Help Files
SoftQuad XMetaL File
.sgn Sierra Print Artist Sign
.sgp Statistics (STATGRAPHICS Plus)
.sgt Save/get keyboard macro (Signature)
.sh Unix shell script
Unix ASCII file archive created by SHAR (
.sh3 Presentation (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.sha Shell Archive file
.shb Background (CorelShow)
.shd Microsoft Windows Shadow file
Print Spooler Shadow file
.shg Segmented-graphics bitmap
.shk Compressed Apple II file archive created by SHRINKIT
.shm Shell macro (WordPerfect Library)
.shn Shorten audio compression file
.shp Shape file and source file for text fonts (AutoCAD)
.shr Unix ASCII file archive created by SHAR (
.shs Microsoft Word or Excel scrap file which is created when you drag and drop selected text
.shtml HTML File with Server Side
.shw Presentation (Harvard Graphics 2.0 – CorelShow)
Slide show (WordPerfect Presentations)
.shx Shape entities (AutoCAD)
.sid Commodore64 Music file
LizardTech MrSID Photo
.sif Setup Installation Files info (Windows NT Setup)
.sig Current program settings (Signature)
PrintShop Sign file
Signature file (PopMail)
.sik Backup file (Sicherungskopie) (MS Word)
.sim Aurora
PC Finder 2002C
PowerDVD file
Simulation (various)
.sis SymbianOS Installer file
.sit Compressed Macintosh archive created by STUFFIT (
.sitx Stuffit SITX Compressed File
.skb SketchUp software file (3D Design Tool)
.skf Autosketch file
.skin Skin file
.skm Google Sketchup Texture file
.skn Interface skins images (FileWrangler, SecurDesk!, SecurDesk! LV, ZipWrangler)
Symbian OS Skin File
.skp Sketchup software component (3D Design Tool)
.sl S-Lang source code file
.slb Slide library (AutoCAD)
.slc Compiled SALT script (Telix)
.sld Slide (AutoCAD)
.slf BitDefender file
Symantec Licence file
.sli Slide (MAGICorp Slide Service)
.slk Sylk Symbolic Link format data file (MultiPlan)
.sll Sound data file
.sln Microsoft Visual Studio Solution file
.slt Salt Script Application Language for Telix script source (Telix)
.sm Smalltalk source code file
Maillist (SoftSpoken Mailer)
Script (ScriptMaker)
Text file (Samna Word)
.smc Super Nintendo Game-console ROM Image
.smd StarOffice Mail
.smf Fax (SMARTFAX)
.smi RealPlay SMIL file
Self Mounting Image file
.smil Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language file
.smk Compressed File (Smacker)
.smm Macro (Ami Pro)
.smp Sample (sound file)
.sms Microsoft Package Definition file
Sega Master System Emulator
.smt Text file (Smart Ware II)
.smtmp SMTMP Virus
.snd Digitized sound file (Macintosh/ATARI/PC)
.sng Song (midi sound) (Midisoft Studio – Prism)
.snm Netscape mail
.sno Snobol4 source code file
.snp CoffeeCup HTML Editor Snippet
Computer Eyes Video Output
Microsoft Access Report Snapshop file
Snapview Shapshot
.snx Mirage Microdrive Snapshot Extended Version
Second Nature Software Graphic
StarCraft Saved file
.so Apache Module file
.sol Flash shared object file
Solution eg. game walkthroughs
.som Network serial numbers (Quattro Pro)
Sort information (Paradox)
.son Song (SBStudio II)
.sou Sound data (sound tool)
.sp Compressed file archive created by SPLINT (unix)
.spa Macromedia FutureSplash file
Smart Protocol Analyzer Real Time Communication Data
SmartPA Saved Capture file
Thermo Nicolet OMNIC file
.spc Program (MS Multiplan)
Temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)
Super Nintendo SPC700 sound file
.spd Scalable font (Speedo) (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.spf Slide presentation file (EnerGraphics)
.spg Glossary (Sprint)
.spi Graphics (Siemens and Philips scanner)
.spi InConSoft Ltd. Sim-Path system files
.spl Compressed file archive created by SPLINT (splint.arc)
Customized printer driver (Sprint)
Personal spell dictionary (Signature)
Microsoft Windows Print Spool file
.spm Data (WordPerfect) wp{wp}.spm
.spo Statistical Program (SPSS)
.spp Printer file (Sprint)
.spr Document letter (Sprint)
Genarated screen program (FoxPro)
.sps Spssx source code file (VAX/VMS)
Screen driver (Sprint)
.spt Spitbol source code file
Support file (MITAC disk/system management utility pack)
.spv InConSoft Ltd Sim-Path vehicle file
.spw Worksheet (SigmaPlot)
.spx Compiled screen program (FoxPro)
.sql SQL report or query
.sqlite SQLite Database file
.sqm Service Quality Monitoring file
Logfile for Windows Live Messenger
.sqz Compressed file archive created by SQUEEZE (sqz1083e.exe)
.src Source (DataFlex)
.srf Sun Raster File graphics
Sony RAW Image file
.srp Script (QuickLink)
.srt BSplayer Subtitle file
Omron CX-Supervisor
SDR99 Speech Recognition Task Speech Recogniser Transcript
.ss Bitmap graphics (Splash)
.ssa Subtitles
.ssb SmartSync Pro
.ssd Datafile (SAS/PC)
.ssf Snagit file
Enable Spreadsheet file
.ssm RealPlayer Standard Streaming Metafile
.ssp Datafile (SAS Transport)
.st Smalltalk source code file (Little Smalltalk)
Instrument library (Scream Tracker)
Stamp (NeoPaint)
.st3 MIDI Karaoke file
.sta Adobe Photoshop Match Colour Image Statistics file
Saved state (Reflection 4.0)
Stack (Spinmaker Plus)
.stb Stub library (Genus GX Kernel)
.std State Transition Diagram graphic file (Prosa)
Standard (something..) (LocoScript)
.stf Compressed file archive created by SHRINKTOFIT
.stg ActiveSync (Microsoft) Backup file
Statistica Graphics File
.stl C++ Standard Template Library
.stm State Transition Diagram model file (Prosa)
Music (Scream Tracker)
.stn ArcView Geocoding Standardization file
STiNG file
.sto Pascal stub OBJ file (Genus GX Kernel)
.stp Sharepoint Web Site Template File
PageKeeper Packed Storage file
DART Pro 98 system settings
AP203 Step file
.str Structure list object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.sts Project status info (MS C/C++)
Song format (Scream Tracker)
.stt Automap Template
SureThing CD Labeler Template file
.stu Tarantella Enterprise 3 3270 Emulator Style file
xyALGEBRA file
.stw Data file (SmartTerm for Windows)
.stx Electronic book (SmarText)
Tax form (CA-Simply Tax)
.sty Style library or sheet (many text and graphics programs)
.sub CloneCd related file
.sui Suit library (Simple User Interface Toolkit)
.sum Summary
.sun Sun rasterfile graphics
.sup Supplementary dictionary (WordPerfect for Win)
.sv4 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game
.svd Autosave file for document (MS Word)
.svg Autosave file for glossary (MS Word)
Scalable Vector Graphics File format
.svgz Compressed Scaleable Graphic file
.svp WISCO Survey Power
Sonique Visual Plugin file
SwiftView Command file
.svs Autosave file for style sheet (MS Word)
.sw Audio file (signed word)
.swd Storybook file
Sabiston Textbook
.swf ShockWave Flash object
.swg Swag packet (SWAG Reader)
.swi Swish Data file
.swk Swapkeys Keyboard File
.swp Document backup (Sprint)
Swap file (DOS)
.sxc StarOffice / OpenOffice Spreadsheet file
.sxw Writer 6.0 text file
StarOffice Word Document file
.sy1 Smartpix symbol library (Ami Pro)
.sy3 Symbol file (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.syd Backup of startup files created by QEMM (?) autoexec.syd
.sym Precompiled headers (Borland C++)
Program symbol table (many compilers and linkers)
Symbol file (Harvard Graphics 2.0)
.syn Sdsc Synu image file (SDSC Image Tool)
Synonym file (MS Word 5)
.sys Datafile (SYGRAPH – SYSTAT – SPSS/PC)
System file – device driver or hardware configuration info (DOS)
.syw Graphics symbols (Harvard Graphics Win)
.szc Windows Mobile 5 (Pocket PC)

Recommended Reading: An Introduction to Data File Formats and Their File Extensions

This article was last updated on April 14, 2012

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