Data File Formats that Begin with the Letter ‘S’
.s |
Assembly source code file (Unix) |
Scheme source code file |
.s$$ |
Temporary sort file (Sprint) |
.s3m |
Music (16 channels) (Scream Tracker 3.0) |
.sac |
Shared Asset Catalog (Adobe) |
.saf |
MusicMatch Jukebox Secure Audio file |
Safe File Encryption (Helix Software) |
Twelve Ghosts file |
.sah |
SETI@Home data file |
.sal |
Datafile (SORITEC) |
.sam |
Text file (Samna – Lotus Ami/Ami Pro) |
.sar |
Compressed file archive created by SAR ( |
.sas |
SAS System program |
.sas7bcat |
SAS System file catalog |
.sas7bdat |
SAS System data set |
.sas7bndx |
SAS System index |
.sas7bpgm |
SAS System Stored Program |
.sas7bvew |
SAS Data Set View |
.sas7mdb |
SAS System multidimensional database |
.sat |
Standard ACIS Text file |
.sav |
Backup file (saved file) |
Configuration |
Saved game situation (eg. NetHack) |
.sb |
Audio file (signed byte) |
.sbc |
Sagebrush Corporation Spectrum CIRC/CAT Report |
.sbd |
Storyboard (Storyboard Editor) |
.sbi |
Sound Blaster Instrument file (Creative Labs) |
.sbj |
Micrografx Clipart or Palette file |
.sbn |
ArcView file (GIS) |
.sbp |
Dml program (Superbase 4) |
.sbr |
Support file (Source Browser) |
.sbs |
SWAT HRU Output file |
.sbt |
Notes related to record (Suberbase 4 Windows) |
.sbx |
ArcView file (GIS) |
.sc |
Pal script (Paradox) |
Display driver (Framework II) |
.sc3 |
Renamed dBASE III screen mask file (dBASE IV) |
Screen device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.sca |
Datafile (SCA) |
.scc |
Text file |
.scd |
Scodl Scan Conversion Object Description Language graphics |
.scf |
Multimedia show (ScoreMaker) |
Spelling checker configuration (Symphony) |
Windows Explorer command file |
.sch |
Project schedule (Schedule Publisher) |
Schematics file (ORCAD) |
.sci |
System Configuration Information |
Fax (SciFax) |
.scm |
Scheme source code file |
ScreenCam Movie file |
SchematicMaker file |
.scn |
Screen file (Kermit) |
Pinnacle Studio Scene file |
.sco |
High score |
.scp |
Script (BITCOM) |
.scr |
Debug source code file (DOS Debug) |
Screen – screen snapshot (dBASE IV – Procomm Plus) |
Screen font (LocoScript) |
Screen saver (Windows 3.x) |
Script (Kermit – 1st Reader) |
.sct |
Screen memo (FoxPro) |
Windows Script Component |
.scx |
Bitmap graphics (ColorRIX) |
Chart (Stanford Chart) |
Screen (FoxPro) |
.scy |
Security file (ReaGeniX) |
.sda |
Fidonet’s Software Distribution Network file archive description |
.sdc |
StarOffice Spreadsheet |
.sdd |
StarOffice Presentation |
.sdf |
System Data Format file (fixed lenght ASCII text) |
.sdi |
Software Distribution Network Info file |
Single Document Interface file |
.sdn |
Software Distribution Network compressd file archive (pak251.exe) |
.sdr |
SmartDraw file |
.sds |
Chart Application Document file |
.sdt |
SmartDraw Template |
Dungeon Keeper 2 Archive |
Theme Park World Archive |
.sdu |
Edwards Systems Technology file |
.sdw |
StarOffice Text |
Raw Signed DWord Data |
Lotus WordPro Graphic |
.sea |
Self-Extracting compressed Macintosh file Archive |
.sec |
CyberPaint animation file (sequence) |
Secret key ring file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System) |
Secured animation file (Disney Animation Studio) |
.sed |
Self Extraction Directive file |
.sep |
Printer separator page |
.seq |
Atari animation file |
Sequential Instruction File (Bubble Chamber) |
.ses |
Session info (Clarion Modula-2) |
.set |
Configuration (1st Reader) |
Driver sets created by Install (Symphony) |
Setup options file |
.sf |
Ircam Sound File (CSound package – MixView sound sample editor) |
Wps attribute storage (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell) wp_root.sf |
.sf2 |
Creative Labs Soundfont file |
.sfb |
HP Soft Font file |
.sfc |
System File Checker file |
.sff |
Fritz Fax-Print file |
Stage Scene file |
Structured Fax Format |
.sfi |
Graphics (SIS Framegrabber) |
Printer font (HP LaserJet landscape) (Ventura Publisher) |
.sfl |
Pcl 4 bitmap font (landscape) (Intellifont) (Ventura Publisher) |
.sfn |
Font (SPX) |
.sfo |
CuteFTP Search file |
.sfp |
Pcl 4 bitmap font (portrait) (Intellifont) (Ventura Publisher) |
.sfs |
Pcl 5 scalable font file (Intellifont) |
.sft |
Screen font (ChiWriter) |
.sfv |
QuickSFV/WinSFV Checksum file |
Simple File Verification (Easy SFV Creator) |
.sfw |
Seattle Film Works file |
.sfx |
Self Extracting Archive file |
.sg1 |
Graphics (Stanford Graphics) |
.sgf |
Document with graphics (Starwriter) |
Smart Game Format |
Sonique Skin |
.sgi |
Graphics (IRIS – Silicon Graphics) |
.sgm |
Standard Generalized Markup Language file |
Run-Time Help Files |
SoftQuad XMetaL File |
.sgn |
Sierra Print Artist Sign |
.sgp |
Statistics (STATGRAPHICS Plus) |
.sgt |
Save/get keyboard macro (Signature) |
.sh |
Unix shell script |
Unix ASCII file archive created by SHAR ( |
.sh3 |
Presentation (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.sha |
Shell Archive file |
.shb |
Background (CorelShow) |
.shd |
Microsoft Windows Shadow file |
Print Spooler Shadow file |
.shg |
Segmented-graphics bitmap |
.shk |
Compressed Apple II file archive created by SHRINKIT |
.shm |
Shell macro (WordPerfect Library) |
.shn |
Shorten audio compression file |
.shp |
Shape file and source file for text fonts (AutoCAD) |
.shr |
Unix ASCII file archive created by SHAR ( |
.shs |
Microsoft Word or Excel scrap file which is created when you drag and drop selected text |
.shtml |
HTML File with Server Side |
.shw |
Presentation (Harvard Graphics 2.0 – CorelShow) |
Slide show (WordPerfect Presentations) |
.shx |
Shape entities (AutoCAD) |
.sid |
Commodore64 Music file |
LizardTech MrSID Photo |
.sif |
Setup Installation Files info (Windows NT Setup) |
.sig |
Current program settings (Signature) |
PrintShop Sign file |
Signature file (PopMail) |
.sik |
Backup file (Sicherungskopie) (MS Word) |
.sim |
Aurora |
PC Finder 2002C |
PowerDVD file |
Simulation (various) |
.sis |
SymbianOS Installer file |
.sit |
Compressed Macintosh archive created by STUFFIT ( |
.sitx |
Stuffit SITX Compressed File |
.skb |
SketchUp software file (3D Design Tool) |
.skf |
Autosketch file |
.skin |
Skin file |
.skm |
Google Sketchup Texture file |
.skn |
Interface skins images (FileWrangler, SecurDesk!, SecurDesk! LV, ZipWrangler) |
Symbian OS Skin File |
.skp |
Sketchup software component (3D Design Tool) |
.sl |
S-Lang source code file |
.slb |
Slide library (AutoCAD) |
.slc |
Compiled SALT script (Telix) |
.sld |
Slide (AutoCAD) |
.slf |
BitDefender file |
Symantec Licence file |
.sli |
Slide (MAGICorp Slide Service) |
.slk |
Sylk Symbolic Link format data file (MultiPlan) |
.sll |
Sound data file |
.sln |
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution file |
.slt |
Salt Script Application Language for Telix script source (Telix) |
.sm |
Smalltalk source code file |
Maillist (SoftSpoken Mailer) |
Script (ScriptMaker) |
Text file (Samna Word) |
.smc |
Super Nintendo Game-console ROM Image |
.smd |
StarOffice Mail |
.smf |
.smi |
RealPlay SMIL file |
Self Mounting Image file |
.smil |
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language file |
.smk |
Compressed File (Smacker) |
.smm |
Macro (Ami Pro) |
.smp |
Sample (sound file) |
.sms |
Microsoft Package Definition file |
Sega Master System Emulator |
.smt |
Text file (Smart Ware II) |
.smtmp |
SMTMP Virus |
.snd |
Digitized sound file (Macintosh/ATARI/PC) |
.sng |
Song (midi sound) (Midisoft Studio – Prism) |
.snm |
Netscape mail |
.sno |
Snobol4 source code file |
.snp |
CoffeeCup HTML Editor Snippet |
Computer Eyes Video Output |
Microsoft Access Report Snapshop file |
Snapview Shapshot |
.snx |
Mirage Microdrive Snapshot Extended Version |
Second Nature Software Graphic |
StarCraft Saved file |
.so |
Apache Module file |
.sol |
Flash shared object file |
Solution eg. game walkthroughs |
.som |
Network serial numbers (Quattro Pro) |
Sort information (Paradox) |
.son |
Song (SBStudio II) |
.sou |
Sound data (sound tool) |
.sp |
Compressed file archive created by SPLINT (unix) |
.spa |
Macromedia FutureSplash file |
Smart Protocol Analyzer Real Time Communication Data |
SmartPA Saved Capture file |
Thermo Nicolet OMNIC file |
.spc |
Program (MS Multiplan) |
Temporary file (WordPerfect for Win) |
Super Nintendo SPC700 sound file |
.spd |
Scalable font (Speedo) (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.spf |
Slide presentation file (EnerGraphics) |
.spg |
Glossary (Sprint) |
.spi |
Graphics (Siemens and Philips scanner) |
.spi |
InConSoft Ltd. Sim-Path system files |
.spl |
Compressed file archive created by SPLINT (splint.arc) |
Customized printer driver (Sprint) |
Personal spell dictionary (Signature) |
Microsoft Windows Print Spool file |
Sample |
.spm |
Data (WordPerfect) wp{wp}.spm |
.spo |
Statistical Program (SPSS) |
.spp |
Printer file (Sprint) |
.spr |
Document letter (Sprint) |
Genarated screen program (FoxPro) |
Sprite |
.sps |
Spssx source code file (VAX/VMS) |
Screen driver (Sprint) |
.spt |
Spitbol source code file |
Support file (MITAC disk/system management utility pack) |
.spv |
InConSoft Ltd Sim-Path vehicle file |
.spw |
Worksheet (SigmaPlot) |
.spx |
Compiled screen program (FoxPro) |
.sql |
SQL report or query |
.sqlite |
SQLite Database file |
.sqm |
Service Quality Monitoring file |
Logfile for Windows Live Messenger |
.sqz |
Compressed file archive created by SQUEEZE (sqz1083e.exe) |
.src |
Source (DataFlex) |
.srf |
Sun Raster File graphics |
Sony RAW Image file |
.srp |
Script (QuickLink) |
.srt |
BSplayer Subtitle file |
Omron CX-Supervisor |
SDR99 Speech Recognition Task Speech Recogniser Transcript |
.ss |
Bitmap graphics (Splash) |
.ssa |
Subtitles |
.ssb |
SmartSync Pro |
.ssd |
Datafile (SAS/PC) |
.ssf |
Snagit file |
Enable Spreadsheet file |
.ssm |
RealPlayer Standard Streaming Metafile |
.ssp |
Datafile (SAS Transport) |
.st |
Smalltalk source code file (Little Smalltalk) |
Instrument library (Scream Tracker) |
Stamp (NeoPaint) |
.st3 |
MIDI Karaoke file |
.sta |
Adobe Photoshop Match Colour Image Statistics file |
Saved state (Reflection 4.0) |
Stack (Spinmaker Plus) |
.stb |
Stub library (Genus GX Kernel) |
.std |
State Transition Diagram graphic file (Prosa) |
Standard (something..) (LocoScript) |
.stf |
Compressed file archive created by SHRINKTOFIT |
.stg |
ActiveSync (Microsoft) Backup file |
Statistica Graphics File |
.stl |
C++ Standard Template Library |
.stm |
State Transition Diagram model file (Prosa) |
Music (Scream Tracker) |
.stn |
ArcView Geocoding Standardization file |
STiNG file |
.sto |
Pascal stub OBJ file (Genus GX Kernel) |
.stp |
Sharepoint Web Site Template File |
PageKeeper Packed Storage file |
DART Pro 98 system settings |
AP203 Step file |
.str |
Structure list object file (dBASE Application Generator) |
.sts |
Project status info (MS C/C++) |
Song format (Scream Tracker) |
.stt |
Automap Template |
SureThing CD Labeler Template file |
.stu |
Tarantella Enterprise 3 3270 Emulator Style file |
xyALGEBRA file |
.stw |
Data file (SmartTerm for Windows) |
.stx |
Electronic book (SmarText) |
Tax form (CA-Simply Tax) |
.sty |
Style library or sheet (many text and graphics programs) |
.sub |
CloneCd related file |
.sui |
Suit library (Simple User Interface Toolkit) |
.sum |
Summary |
.sun |
Sun rasterfile graphics |
.sup |
Supplementary dictionary (WordPerfect for Win) |
.sv4 |
RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game |
.svd |
Autosave file for document (MS Word) |
.svg |
Autosave file for glossary (MS Word) |
Scalable Vector Graphics File format |
.svgz |
Compressed Scaleable Graphic file |
.svp |
WISCO Survey Power |
Sonique Visual Plugin file |
SwiftView Command file |
.svs |
Autosave file for style sheet (MS Word) |
.sw |
Audio file (signed word) |
.swd |
Storybook file |
Sabiston Textbook |
.swf |
ShockWave Flash object |
.swg |
Swag packet (SWAG Reader) |
.swi |
Swish Data file |
.swk |
Swapkeys Keyboard File |
.swp |
Document backup (Sprint) |
Swap file (DOS) |
.sxc |
StarOffice / OpenOffice Spreadsheet file |
.sxw | Writer 6.0 text file |
StarOffice Word Document file |
.sy1 |
Smartpix symbol library (Ami Pro) |
.sy3 |
Symbol file (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.syd |
Backup of startup files created by QEMM (?) autoexec.syd |
.sym |
Precompiled headers (Borland C++) |
Program symbol table (many compilers and linkers) |
Symbol file (Harvard Graphics 2.0) |
.syn |
Sdsc Synu image file (SDSC Image Tool) |
Synonym file (MS Word 5) |
.sys |
System file – device driver or hardware configuration info (DOS) |
.syw |
Graphics symbols (Harvard Graphics Win) |
.szc |
Windows Mobile 5 (Pocket PC) |