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Letter I: Data Formats & File Extensions

Find data formats and their file extensions starting with I.

With literally thousands of data file formats employed by Windows and Window-based apps, keeping track of all the file extensions employed by your software applications and programs can be quite a challenge. Fortunately, Webopedia’s Complete List of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it quick and easy to sift through thousands of file extensions and data file formats to find exactly what you need. You can peruse the full list or search for data formats and file extensions based on the letter they start with from the table below.

Data File Formats that Begin with the Letter ‘I’

.i Intermediate file (Borland C++ 4.5)
.iaf MS Outlook 97 and 2000 e-mail account settings
.iax Bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive)
.ibm Compressed file archive created by ARCHDOS (Internal IBM only)
.ibd Installer Dialog Resource file
.ibp Isobuster Image file
.ibq Isobuster Managed Image file
.ica Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture)
.icb Bitmap graphics
.icc Kodak Printer Image
IronCAD Catalog
.icd IronCAD 2D CAD file
.icl Icon library (ActivIcons, IconForge, ImageForge, ImageForge PRO)
.icm Image Color Matching Profile file
ICC Profile, Acer Monotor Drive
.icn Icon source code file
.ico Icon (Windows 3.x)
.ics iCalendar Calendar file
.id Disk identification file
Lotus Notes User ID file
.id2 Windows Live Messenger Emoticon file
.idb Database Used by Disassembler
MS Developer Intermediate file
.ide Project (Borland C++ 4.5)
.idf ARTiSAN Real-time Studio ID file
MIDI Instruments Drivers file
.idl MS Visual C++ Interface Definition file
OMG CORBA Interface Definition Language
.idw Vector graphics (IntelliDraw)
.idx Index (many – FoxPro)
.ies Photometric file data
.ifd Form (JetForm Design)
.iff Interchange File Format bitmap graphics/sound (Amiga)
Maxis The Sims Object file
Philips CDI File
Sun TAAC Image File Format (SDSC Image Tool)
.ifo Saved graphic objects (ImageForge PRO)
.ifp Script (KnowledgeMan)
.ifs Fractal image compressed file (Yuvpak)
System file (OS/2) hpfs.ifs
.igr Intergraph SmartSketch Drawing
.igs IGES-Format
.igx iGrafx Process
.iif QuickBooks for Windows Interchange file
.ilb Data (Scream Tracker)
.ilk Outline of program’s format (MS ILink incremental linker)
.im30 Sun Raster image file
.im8 Sun raster graphics
.ima Mirage vector graphics (EGO, Chart, Autumn)
.imb IncrediMail file
.imc IncrediMail file
.imd Caseware IDEA (GIS data file)
.imf ImageForge/IconForge saved filtered brushes(IconForge, ImageForge, ImageForge PRO)
.img Bitmap graphics (Ventura Publisher – GEM Paint)
.imm IncrediMail Trash
.imn IncrediMail Notifier
.imp Spreadsheet (Lotus Improv)
Impaticized PowerPoint file
.imq Image presentation (ImageQ)
.ims Incredimail Graphic
.imv Yahoo Instant Messenger IMVironment
Impaticized Video format
.imw Imageware Surfacer 3D CAD Surface Geometry
IncrediMail Sound
.imz Compressed floppy image
.in$ Installation file (HP NewWave)
.in3 Input device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.inb Test script (Vermont HighTest)
.inc Include file (several programming languages)
.ind Index (dBASE IV)
Adobe InDesign document file
.indd Adobe InDesign file format
.inf Type 1 LaserJet font information file (soft font installers)
Information text file (ASCII)
Install script
.ini Initialization file
.ink Pantone reference fills file (CorelDRAW)
.inl MS Visual C++ Inline Function file
.inp GIS Software Text Input file
Oracle Source Code
Self-Extracting Archive Utility Project
.ins Data (WordPerfect)
Installation script (1st Reader)
Instrument music file (Adlib)
.int Borland Interface Units
Program saved in Internal (semi-compiled) format (Signature)
.inv Rogue Spear Inventory file
.inx Foxpro Index (Foxbase)
.io Compressed file archive created by CPIO
.iob 3d graphics database in TDDD format
.ioc Organizational chart (Instant ORGcharting!)
.ion 4dos descript.ion file (file descriptions)
.ipa iPod/iPhone Application file
.ipd BlackBerry Backup file
InstallPROG 6 EDBS Install Database
.ipg Mindjongg Format
.ipj Impatica OnCue Project file
.ipl Pantone Spot reference palette file (CorelDRAW)
.ipp Help & Manual Proprietary Image
.ips Game Patch file
MENSI 3Dipsos
.ipsw IPod/IPad/IPhone Software file
.ipx IPIX AV file
.ipz ICQ Skin Plus
.iri IR Image file
.irs Resource (WordPerfect)
.isd Spelling Checker dictionary (RapidFile)
.ish Compressed file archive created by ISH
.isk Command file
.iso Easy CD Creator Disc Image
File List for CD-ROM
InstallShield Uninstall file
ISO Buster file
ISO-9660 Table
Vector Graphics (IsoDraw Illustration)
.isr MS Streets & Trips Route file
.iss InstallShield Response file
ISS Graphic
.ist Digitrakker Instrument File (n-FaCToR)
.isu InstallShield Uninstall Script
Easy CD Creator 4 Uninstall file
Netscape file
.isz An extension on .ISO that allows compression and splitting of an archive
.it Settings (intalk)
.itc2 iTunes Album Data file
.itdb iTunes Database file
.itf Interface file (JPI TopSpeed Pascal)
.ith InTether technology secured file
.itl Music Library file
.iv OpenInventor files (the successor to Inventor)
.iva security video data file
.ivt MS Infoviewer Title
.iw Presentation flowchart (IconAuthor – HSC InterActive)
.iwa Text file (IBM Writing Assistant)
.iwd Call of Duty Game Data file
.iwp Text file (Wang)
.izt Izl binary token file (IZL)

Recommended Reading: An Introduction to Data File Formats and Their File Extensions

This article was originally published on June 24, 2010

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