Data File Formats that Begin with the Letter ‘I’
.i |
Intermediate file (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.iaf |
MS Outlook 97 and 2000 e-mail account settings |
.iax |
Bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive) |
.ibm |
Compressed file archive created by ARCHDOS (Internal IBM only) |
.ibd |
Installer Dialog Resource file |
.ibp |
Isobuster Image file |
.ibq |
Isobuster Managed Image file |
.ica |
Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture) |
.icb |
Bitmap graphics |
.icc |
Kodak Printer Image |
IronCAD Catalog |
.icd |
IronCAD 2D CAD file |
.icl |
Icon library (ActivIcons, IconForge, ImageForge, ImageForge PRO) |
.icm |
Image Color Matching Profile file |
ICC Profile, Acer Monotor Drive |
.icn |
Icon source code file |
.ico |
Icon (Windows 3.x) |
.ics |
iCalendar Calendar file |
.id |
Disk identification file |
Lotus Notes User ID file |
.id2 |
Windows Live Messenger Emoticon file |
.idb |
Database Used by Disassembler |
MS Developer Intermediate file |
.ide |
Project (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.idf |
ARTiSAN Real-time Studio ID file |
MIDI Instruments Drivers file |
.idl |
MS Visual C++ Interface Definition file |
OMG CORBA Interface Definition Language |
.idw |
Vector graphics (IntelliDraw) |
.idx |
Index (many – FoxPro) |
.ies |
Photometric file data |
.ifd |
Form (JetForm Design) |
.iff |
Interchange File Format bitmap graphics/sound (Amiga) |
Maxis The Sims Object file |
Philips CDI File |
Sun TAAC Image File Format (SDSC Image Tool) |
.ifo |
Saved graphic objects (ImageForge PRO) |
.ifp |
Script (KnowledgeMan) |
.ifs |
Fractal image compressed file (Yuvpak) |
System file (OS/2) hpfs.ifs |
.igr |
Intergraph SmartSketch Drawing |
.igs |
IGES-Format |
.igx |
iGrafx Process |
.iif |
QuickBooks for Windows Interchange file |
.ilb |
Data (Scream Tracker) |
.ilk |
Outline of program’s format (MS ILink incremental linker) |
.im30 |
Sun Raster image file |
.im8 |
Sun raster graphics |
.ima |
Mirage vector graphics (EGO, Chart, Autumn) |
.imb |
IncrediMail file |
.imc |
IncrediMail file |
.imd |
Caseware IDEA (GIS data file) |
.imf |
ImageForge/IconForge saved filtered brushes(IconForge, ImageForge, ImageForge PRO) |
.img |
Bitmap graphics (Ventura Publisher – GEM Paint) |
.imm |
IncrediMail Trash |
.imn |
IncrediMail Notifier |
.imp |
Spreadsheet (Lotus Improv) |
Impaticized PowerPoint file |
.imq |
Image presentation (ImageQ) |
.ims |
Incredimail Graphic |
.imv |
Yahoo Instant Messenger IMVironment |
Impaticized Video format |
.imw |
Imageware Surfacer 3D CAD Surface Geometry |
IncrediMail Sound |
.imz |
Compressed floppy image |
.in$ |
Installation file (HP NewWave) |
.in3 |
Input device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.inb |
Test script (Vermont HighTest) |
.inc |
Include file (several programming languages) |
.ind |
Index (dBASE IV) |
Adobe InDesign document file |
.indd |
Adobe InDesign file format |
.inf |
Type 1 LaserJet font information file (soft font installers) |
Information text file (ASCII) |
Install script |
.ini |
Initialization file |
.ink |
Pantone reference fills file (CorelDRAW) |
.inl |
MS Visual C++ Inline Function file |
.inp |
GIS Software Text Input file |
Oracle Source Code |
Self-Extracting Archive Utility Project |
.ins |
Data (WordPerfect) |
Installation script (1st Reader) |
Instrument music file (Adlib) |
.int |
Borland Interface Units |
Program saved in Internal (semi-compiled) format (Signature) |
.inv |
Rogue Spear Inventory file |
.inx |
Foxpro Index (Foxbase) |
.io |
Compressed file archive created by CPIO |
.iob |
3d graphics database in TDDD format |
.ioc |
Organizational chart (Instant ORGcharting!) |
.ion |
4dos descript.ion file (file descriptions) |
.ipa |
iPod/iPhone Application file |
.ipd |
BlackBerry Backup file |
InstallPROG 6 EDBS Install Database |
.ipg |
Mindjongg Format |
.ipj |
Impatica OnCue Project file |
.ipl |
Pantone Spot reference palette file (CorelDRAW) |
.ipp |
Help & Manual Proprietary Image |
.ips |
Game Patch file |
MENSI 3Dipsos |
.ipsw |
IPod/IPad/IPhone Software file |
.ipx |
IPIX AV file |
.ipz |
ICQ Skin Plus |
.iri |
IR Image file |
.irs |
Resource (WordPerfect) |
.isd |
Spelling Checker dictionary (RapidFile) |
.ish |
Compressed file archive created by ISH |
.isk |
Command file |
.iso |
Easy CD Creator Disc Image |
File List for CD-ROM |
InstallShield Uninstall file |
ISO Buster file |
ISO-9660 Table |
RichWin |
Vector Graphics (IsoDraw Illustration) |
.isr |
MS Streets & Trips Route file |
.iss |
InstallShield Response file |
ISS Graphic |
.ist |
Digitrakker Instrument File (n-FaCToR) |
.isu |
InstallShield Uninstall Script |
Easy CD Creator 4 Uninstall file |
Netscape file |
.isz |
An extension on .ISO that allows compression and splitting of an archive |
.it |
Settings (intalk) |
.itc2 |
iTunes Album Data file |
.itdb |
iTunes Database file |
.itf |
Interface file (JPI TopSpeed Pascal) |
.ith |
InTether technology secured file |
.itl |
Music Library file |
.iv |
OpenInventor files (the successor to Inventor) |
.iva |
security video data file |
.ivt |
MS Infoviewer Title |
.iw |
Presentation flowchart (IconAuthor – HSC InterActive) |
.iwa |
Text file (IBM Writing Assistant) |
.iwd |
Call of Duty Game Data file |
.iwp |
Text file (Wang) |
.izt |
Izl binary token file (IZL) |