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R Names: Famous People in Technology

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Ritchie, Dennis

Co-created the UNIX operating system along with Ken Thompson in 1969 while working at Bell Labs. Ritchie also wrote the C programming language in 1972. In 1983, he was named a Fellow at Bell Labs. In 1995, Ritchie led the development of the Plan 9 operating system, and in 1996 he led the development of the Inferno operating system.

Roberts, Ed

Credited with creating the world’s first truly personal computer in 1975 — the Altair 8800 — around the Intel 8080 chip. The Altair 8800 had a 256 byte RAM card and a panel of switches. Roberts, who received his electronics training in the Air Force, founded Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems (MITS) where he developed the Altair 8800 to save the company from bankruptcy. In 1984, at age 42, he left MITS to pursue a career as a physician, entering Mercer University’s first class of medical students.

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This article was originally published on June 24, 2010

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