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UTM Parameters

Jenna Phipps
Last Updated May 24, 2021 8:02 am

UTM (Urchin tracking module) parameters are code appended to a URL through Google Analytics. They track campaign data for businesses based on customer interaction. Downloading a Google Analytics account allows businesses to set up different parameters. The Google platform has a URL building feature for customizing parameters.

Types of UTM parameters

There are five types of UTM parameters that can be added to a URL:

  • utm_campaign: the name of the overall campaign. For example, if BOGO Tie Dye Tees is your company’s advertising campaign name, that should be your UTM.
  • utm_source: data from the chosen source that you attach to that parameter; for example, a link that customers click on a webpage
  • utm_term: identifies the monetized keywords within your campaign
  • utm_medium: the particular medium you have chosen to track for the campaign; for example, pay per click
  • utm_content: which specific link the customer navigated to so that you better understand customer interactions; for example, differentiating between two links to different tie-dye tees

One caveat to UTM parameters: If a URL is shared across platforms, it will still have the parameters and can give your business misleading information about customer traffic.

UTM parameters help show businesses where traffic is going so that they can optimize earnings, channels, and resources. These parameters allow businesses to see where and how customers interact. They are also flexible and can be applied to multiple mediums on the Internet.