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    )(v.) (1) To bind together.

    (2) In programming, the term link refers to execution of a linker.

    (3) To paste a copy of an object into a document in such a way that it retains its connection with the original object. Updates to the original object can be reflected in the duplicate by updatingthe link.

    (4) In spreadsheet programs, linking refers to the ability of a worksheet to take its data for particular cells from another worksheet. Two or more files are thus linkedby common cells.

    (n.) (1) In communications, a link is a line or channel over which data is transmitted.

    (2) In data management systems, a link is a pointer to another record. You can connect one or more records by inserting links into them.

    (3) In some operating systems (UNIX, for example), a link is a pointer to a file. Links make it possible to reference a file by several different names and to access a file without specifying a full path.

    (4) In hypertext systems, such as the World Wide Web, a link is a reference to another document. Such links are sometimes called hot links because they take you to other document when you click on them.

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