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Encryption 2 min read

Endpoint encryption protects data at different network endpoints such as devices, hardware, and files, and authorizes endpoints at which data can be accessed. Sensitive data is so widely deployed across enterprises that administrators must ensure it isn’t compromised. Employees access company accounts on multiple devices, and if data isn’t encrypted at those endpoints, it’s available to non-authorized viewers.

Endpoint encryption software helps manage endpoint security by monitoring endpoints, assisting with encryption key management, and authorizing devices. Encryption key management stores and backs up encryption keys, providing added security for an organization’s encryption procedures.

Endpoint encryption can be deployed as both full-disk encryption and file encryption. Full disk encryption, or whole drive encryption, encrypts the entire computer drive, securing it from all but the intended user, who must authenticate themselves. File encryption locks specific files for transfer or storage so that file can be protected on the endpoint and while being transferred to different points, whether that’s a server or an employee personal device.

Endpoint security

Endpoint security is the broader category of endpoint protection that includes encryption as well as threat detection and response. Endpoint security solutions can monitor endpoints for concerning activity and report and troubleshoot security breaches or issues. The solutions should be able to alert users to threats and provide advanced analysis on a hacker’s activity. Endpoint security is managed from one main server, but also runs security software on individual devices.

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