Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) takes a comprehensive approach to securing and managing the use of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices in enterprise environments.
Companies are faced with a wide variety of security and productivity concerns that stem from the increasing number of mobile devices brought into the workplace environment by employees for use and connectivity on corporate networks (also known as “Bring Your Own Device,” or BYOD), and enterprise mobility management is one holistic strategy for managing these concerns.
Image Source: Nestweaver
A Bevy of Mobile Device Security Acronyms: EMM, MDM, MAM, MIM and MSM
Often deployed in conjunction with mobile device management (MDM), which primarily involves protecting companies against unauthorized access to mobile devices, enterprise mobility management is designed to protect users’ data as well as provide users with tools for working more efficiently and productively while ensuring the security of their devices and the data contained on them.
The Holistic Approach
Enterprise mobility management’s holistic approach to securing and protecting the use of mobile devices may also involve mobile application management (MAM), mobile information management (MIM), mobile content management (MCM) and mobile security management (MSM). To this end, enterprise mobile management may include a combination of security and productivity solutions and services to create a comprehensive mobile device and security management strategy.