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How to Change Your Facebook Password

Amanda Scheldt
Last Updated April 25, 2022 9:36 am

Whether you forgot their password or had your account compromised, password security is a must-have for any website or application like Facebook. Changing password regularly minimizes cybersecurity issues, and it is relatively easy to do. This guide will provide you with a detailed walkthrough of changing your Facebook password quickly and simply.

Should I change my Facebook password?

It’s a good idea to change your Facebook password from time to time. Often people tend to keep their devices regularly connected to their Facebook at all times. This can open up the potential for security concerns for your accounts and information. Simple measures like changing your Facebook password will help keep your account safe.

A good rule to implement is that if you haven’t reviewed your privacy, security, and password settings recently, it’s time to change them. Attackers are continually finding ways to exploit weaknesses in the Facebook systems, potentially resulting in a breach of user accounts. A compromise of your Facebook account can lead to more security issues beyond the site, especially if other applications are integrated with the sign-on feature through Facebook.

How to change your Facebook password on the Facebook app

Changing your Facebook password within the Facebook app is quick and easy. The methods to change them can vary slightly depending on if you are an Apple user or an Android user. Here’s how to change your password on the Facebook app for both operating systems if you are already logged in.

Facebook App For Android

To change your Facebook password on the Android app, here are the steps to follow:

1) On the top right of the Facebook app, tap the 3 lines to navigate to the menu.Facebook Android menu2) Scroll down and tap the Settings & Privacy tab, then tap the Settings tab.Facebook Android settings

3) Tap the Password and Security tab, and then tap Change Password to navigate to the page to change your password. You will need to know your previous password to change it. Otherwise, you will need to select Forgot Password to have your password reset.Facebook Android account tabFacebook Android password and security

4) You will need to enter your current password, then your new password, and re-type the new password. Then tap Save Changes to save your new password. Facebook Android change password

Facebook App For Apple

To change your Facebook password on the iPhone or iPad Facebook app, here is the step-by-step process to follow:

1) On the bottom right side of the Facebook app, tap the 3 lines to navigate to the menu.

2) From there, scroll down and tap the Settings & Privacy tab, then tap the Settings tab.

3) Tap the Security and Login tab, and then tap Change Password to navigate to the page to change your password. You will need to know your previous password in order to change it. Otherwise, you will need to select Forgot Password to have your password reset.

4) You will need to enter your current password, then your new password, and re-type the new password. Then tap Save Changes to save your new password.

How to change your Facebook password on the Facebook website

To change your password on the Facebook website, you will need to be logged in already to change it. This method works for both Windows operating computers and Apple computers. Here is how to change your Facebook password on a desktop computer:

1) Click on the drop-down arrow in the top right corner of the Facebook site.Facebook website drop-down

2) Then select the Settings & Privacy tab, then click Settings.Facebook website Settings & Privacy3) Click Security and Login.

Facebook website General Settings

4) Scroll to the Login section of the screen and click Edit next to change the password.Facebook website Login section

5) Enter your current password and then your new password.Facebook website Change Password

6) Click on Save changes to complete the password change.

Ways To Manage Your Password Securely

It’s an account security best practice to keep all your passwords fresh. An excellent first step in ensuring your Facebook account is safe. However, you could take additional measures to protect your account even further. This includes using a password manager and also making sure you never use the same passwords across multiple sites.

It is also essential that you optimize the security features within Facebook. These features include reviewing connected devices to ensure those are your devices and turning on two-factor authentication. This ensures your account requires a second password in the event someone attempts to access your account with a compromised password.

Many people feel the need to stay connected online, so these additional steps ensure your Facebook account is safer and more secure from online security concerns.