Search: error log

Error Log

An error log is a record of all issues within a device, application, operating system, network, or server. These log...

Information Technology (IT)

Information technology (IT) is the field concerned with all aspects of managing and processing information, especially within a large organization...

Logical Link Control Layer

The Logical Link Control (LLC) layer is one of two sublayers that make up the Data Link Layer of the...

id10t Error

What is id10t Error? (pronounced eye-dee-ten-tee) Technical support shorthand used to describe a common computer error caused by a user...

BER – bit error rate

BER is short for bit error rate. In a digital transmission, BER is the percentage of bits with errors divided...

List Of Data Formats & File Extensions: Reference Guide

Webopedia’s list of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it easy to look through thousands of extensions and file...

Letter E: Data Formats & File Extensions

Find data file formats and file extensions that start with the letter E, or view thousands of formats in the...

Your IP has been temporarily blocked – causes and solutions

If you’ve encountered the dreaded “your IP has been temporarily blocked” pop-up, you are likely confused and even a little...

Inventory Management

Inventory management is the collection of strategies and tools that businesses use to manage their merchandise, as well as production...


PwC is one of the most prestigious groups of accounting firms that offers audit, assurance, tax, and advisory services. Beyond...

IT Ticketing System

As employees and customers alike have changed their IT usage habits as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, IT service...

Social Media Monitoring

Social media monitoring helps companies leverage the full potential of social media for their brand. If used efficiently, it can...