Amazon Prime Day refers to a Black Friday-like discount day that provides members-only access to special deals for Amazon Prime customers. Amazon Prime Day typically occurs each summer on the second Tuesday in July, with the special promotion for 2017 starting late July 10th and extending through July 11th for a total of 30 hours.
Amazon offers thousands of products at a discount on Amazon Prime Day, and it typically serves as the company s biggest day of the year in terms of revenue, generating even more sales than on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Why Amazon Prime Day Was Created and Recent Sales Trends
Amazon created Prime Day not just to generate additional sales but also to increase membership in its Amazon Prime membership program, which carries a $99 per year membership fee (a free 30-day trial of the service is available).
The event has shown success in both areas, despite being held during a typically slow time of the year for retail. In 2017, Amazon Prime Day sales grew by more than 60 percent compared to the previous year during the same period, and Amazon also added a record number of new Amazon Prime members during the Prime Day event.
Amazon Prime Day 2018
Amazon Prime Day typically arrives on the second or third Tuesday each July, and Amazon announced that Amazon Prime Day 2018 will take place on July 16th, 2018. Amazon also announced it will be releasing exclusive offers and deals for Prime members in the days leading up to the official 2018 Amazon Prime Day.