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Cryptographic key linking different users

Key Takeaways

  • Public keys are vital for secure communication, using asymmetric encryption to protect data transmission across networks, ensuring that only intended recipients can decrypt messages with their private keys.
  • Public key applications include blockchain transactions, digital signatures, and SSL/TLS connections, providing security and authentication in various digital environments.
  • Public and private keys serve different purposes: public keys encrypt and verify data, while private keys decrypt and sign, with each playing a crucial role in maintaining data security.
  • Public key risks include mismanagement, weak algorithms, and man-in-the-middle attacks, highlighting the importance of proper key handling, using strong algorithms, and ensuring secure communication channels.

A Microsoft study discovered that employees spend around 57% of their time at work communicating. But what if someone, somewhere, could intercept these messages, turning your private whispers into public pronouncements? Well, that may never happen thanks to public keys. Through asymmetric encryption, you can rest assured that your communication is private. 

In this article, we’ll explore public keys, how they work, their significance in cryptography and risks associated with their use. Let’s dive in. 

What Is a Public Key?

A public key is a unique set of numbers generated by encryption software. It contributes to data security by protecting sensitive information from unauthorized entities. When someone wants to send you a secure message, they use a public key to lock or scramble it. This key secures the message through encryption during data transmission across a network. 

Public keys form the foundation of asymmetric encryption as one half of a system that uses two mathematically linked keys, a public and private key, to ensure secure data transmission. When you receive the message, your private key will decrypt and reveal the message’s contents. The public key is accessible to all, but only the matching private key can decode the information.

Public keys find numerous applications in online environments where data security is critical, like making online purchases, updating software, or handling confidential data online. In all instances, they protect users from data breaches, unauthorized access and even eavesdropping on online conversations. 

How Does a Public Key Work?

Public key cryptography creates a secure communication channel in the following steps:

  • Key generation
  • Sharing the key
  • Securing the private key
  • Encryption and transmission
  • Decryption and access

Let’s go through this message encryption and decryption process.

Key Generation

The process begins with creating a unique key pair using a cryptographic algorithm. This pair consists of a public key and a private key.

Sharing the Public Key

The public key is freely distributed. It’s akin to a public mailbox with an address anyone can find.

Securing the Private Key

The private key, in contrast, is fiercely guarded. It’s the key that unlocks the mailbox, and only the authorized recipient possesses it.

Encryption and Transmission

When a message needs to be sent securely, the sender encrypts it with the recipient’s public key. This encryption process essentially transforms the message into an unreadable code. It’s like locking the message in a secure box that only the recipient’s private key can open. The encrypted message is then safely transmitted over the internet.

Decryption and Access

Upon receiving the encrypted message, the recipient uses their private key to decrypt it. This process unlocks the message, revealing its original content. Since only the recipient holds the private key, only they can access the decrypted message.

Using separate keys for encryption and decryption ensures that only the intended recipient can unlock and read the message, even if it’s intercepted during transmission.

Asymmetric Encryption Explained

Asymmetric encryption is a two-key system that safeguards sensitive information during online transactions. Unlike traditional, single-key encryption, asymmetric encryption utilizes a public-private key pair. Public keys are freely distributable, while private keys are kept confidential. During the initial interaction, both parties exchange public and private variables over the network. This establishes a shared secret, a session key, for encrypting subsequent messages.

Once the handshake is complete, you can send messages encrypted with the recipient’s public key. Only the corresponding private key, held solely by the intended recipient, can decrypt this message.

How Is a Public Key Generated?

Asymmetric algorithms generate public keys. These algorithms create unique and secure key pairs, pairing each public key with an associated private key. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common asymmetric encryption algorithms and their uses:


RSA encryption relies on the incredible difficulty of factoring large numbers that are the product of two prime numbers. This challenging mathematical problem is known as the factoring problem. With current technology, factoring these numbers becomes exponentially harder as the number of digits increases. 

While unbreakable with large enough keys, RSA is a computationally expensive algorithm. This means it’s not ideal for directly encrypting large amounts of data due to slow encryption and decryption times. Therefore, RSA excels at securely transmitting smaller pieces of information, such as secret keys for symmetric-key cryptography.

Elliptic Curve

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a powerful cryptographic tool utilizing the mathematical properties of elliptic curves to generate keys. These ECC keys are considerably smaller than RSA keys while providing the same level of security. ECC offers better efficiency, making it perfect for environments with limited computational power and battery life, such as mobile devices and smart cards.

ECC relies on the complex mathematical structure of elliptic curves, which are geometric shapes defined by a specific equation. Cryptographic operations happen directly on points along this curve. The difficulty of reversing these operations comes from the inherent complexity of the math behind elliptic curves. This mathematical foundation allows ECC to use smaller key sizes compared to RSA.


The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) leverages the mathematical concepts of modular exponentiation and the discrete logarithm problem, a problem considered too complex to solve with brute force methods. 

As a variant of the Schnorr and ElGamal signature schemes, DSA is a Federal Information Processing Standard for digital signatures and authentication. Government agencies and financial institutions heavily rely on DSA to verify the integrity and authenticity of digital documents. This works because DSA operates within a public-key cryptosystem.

Public Key vs Private Key – What’s the Difference?

Public Key Private Key
Visibility Shared openly and can be distributed widely. Kept confidential and must be protected from unauthorized access.
Purpose Used to encrypt data and verify digital signatures. Used to encrypt data and create digital signatures
Security Impact Compromise of the key does not endanger data. Compromise of the private key can lead to unauthorized access.
Key Holder Anyone can hold the key. Only the owner should hold the private key.
Communication Ensures secure data when combined with the private key. Essential for the secure decryption and validation of data.

Private Key

A private key is a critical element in cryptography, akin to a secret password used with algorithms to scramble and unscramble data. These keys are typically long strings of randomly generated bits, making them nearly impossible to guess through brute force attacks. The longer and more complex the key, the harder it is to crack. This ensures the information you encrypt remains confidential.

There are two instances of private keys depending on the encryption method: 

  • Asymmetric encryption: Here, the private key works hand-in-hand with a public key. This is ideal for secure communication and digital signatures.
  • Symmetric encryption: This method uses the same private key for encryption and decryption. It’s faster than asymmetric encryption but requires both parties to share the secret key securely beforehand. 

Public Key

A public key is a cryptographic code that encrypts information using cryptographic algorithms based on one-way mathematical functions. These functions are easy to compute in one direction but extremely difficult to reverse, ensuring the security of the cryptographic process.

It differs from a private key in purpose and use. A public key encrypts data and can be shared openly, while a private key decrypts data and must remain confidential. In cryptocurrency, the public key serves as an address for receiving funds, akin to an email address. The private key, on the other hand, allows the owner to access and manage their cryptocurrency, proving ownership.


Public Key Use Cases

Public keys are integral to various applications in modern technology. Here are some key use cases:

  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
  • Digital Signatures
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) Connections

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency 

Public keys help to generate a unique blockchain address, similar to an account number. This address serves as your public destination for receiving cryptocurrency. When someone sends you cryptocurrency, say one Bitcoin (BTC), your public key encrypts the transaction data, essentially locking it.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures leverage a powerful cryptographic technique called public key infrastructure (PKI). PKI essentially creates a secure environment for transmitting messages and verifying sender identities. 

Anyone with the public key can verify the signature. The key mathematically checks if the signature matches the message. If it does, it proves the message originated from the private key holder (the sender). It’s like using the public key to unlock the seal created by the private key, confirming the message’s authenticity.

Any alteration to the message content would invalidate the signature. Remember, the signature is created based on the original message content. If someone tampers with the message, the public key verification will fail, revealing the forgery.

Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security connections

During a TLS connection establishment (handshake), public keys are important in securing communication and verifying server identity. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Server authentication: The server sends its SSL/TLS certificate containing its public key to the client. A trusted Certificate Authority (CA) issues this certificate and vouches for the server’s legitimacy.
  2. Key exchange: The client uses the server’s public key to encrypt a randomly generated secret key, often called the pre-master secret. This pre-master secret then returns to the server. PKI ensures only the server with the corresponding private key can decrypt the message and recover the pre-master secret.
  3. Session key generation: Both client and server utilize the pre-master secret, along with additional cryptographic elements, to generate a set of temporary symmetric session keys. The established session keys encrypt and decrypt the bulk of data exchanged throughout the TLS connection.
  4. Secure communication: After the handshake, the established session keys handle encryption and decryption. Public keys are no longer directly involved in ongoing communication.

Public keys in TLS facilitate secure exchange of the pre-master secret used to derive session keys, ensuring confidentiality and data integrity during the connection.

Public Key Risks

While public keys offer security, they are not without risks. Here are the main considerations:

  • Key mismanagement
  • Weak encryption algorithms
  • Man-in-the-middle attacks

Key Mismanagement

Improper handling of public and private keys can lead to security breaches. It’s essential to store keys securely and ensure they are not exposed or shared improperly.

Weak Encryption Algorithms

Using outdated or weak encryption algorithms can compromise security. Use strong, up-to-date algorithms to protect data effectively.

Man-In-The-Middle Attacks

In a man-in-the-middle attack, an attacker intercepts communication between two parties and can potentially decrypt and alter messages. Ensuring proper authentication and using secure communication channels can mitigate this risk.

Closing Thoughts

Public keys emerge as a cornerstone of modern cryptography, offering a unique blend of encryption and verification capabilities. They work in tandem with private keys, forming the backbone of public key cryptography. 

The versatility of public keys extends beyond encryption, covering digital signatures, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and SSL/TLS connection. In essence, public keys protect data confidentiality and act as trusted verifiers, safeguarding the integrity of digital communication.



What’s the difference between public and private keys?

Public and private keys form a cryptographic key pair. The public part is shared openly; it encrypts data or verifies digital signatures. The private key, kept secret, decrypts data or creates signatures. Their pairing ensures secure communication: anyone can send encrypted messages, but only the private key holder can decrypt them or prove authenticity.

What is asymmetric encryption?

Asymmetric encryption, or public-key cryptography, uses a public and a private key for data encryption and decryption. Anyone can encrypt data with the widely available public key. However, only the authorized holder of the private key can decrypt it. Asymmetric encryption contrasts with symmetric encryption’s single key approach. Asymmetric encryption strengthens security by guaranteeing that only the private key holder can decrypt information, safeguarding data confidentiality and integrity.

Can someone steal my crypto if they have my public key?

No, this key doesn’t grant access to your cryptocurrency. The public key receives funds, similar to an email address receiving messages. However, spending or managing those funds requires your private key. The private key authorizes transactions and proves ownership of the funds. While you can share your public key, you must secure the private key to prevent unauthorized access and potential theft.


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