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Post An Ad With These Ebay and Classified Abbreviations

A list of abbreviations and acronyms commonly used on eBay and in classified and want ads.

With the growing popularity of online buying and selling, Internet and online classified lingo has also grown. Being an eBay buyer long before a seller, I was often confused as to what some of the abbreviations actually meant. For some time I attributed it to a seller’s unwillingness — or laziness — to use proper words when listing an item. When I put my first item up for sale on eBay I immediately understood the importance of using abbreviations in the listing.

Auction Abbreviations Let You Say More About an Item

In auction listing and in online storefronts, sellers are limited to a maximum number of characters in an item title and on other sites you might find a limit on the number of characters in your ad description as well. Abbreviations lets a seller say more about the item without going over the character-length requirements.

For example, if you want to tell prospective buyers that your item is available for local pick up only then to add that to your title you are looking at 18 characters (including spaces). Using the abbreviation of LPUO instead of typing it out leaves you with an additional 14 characters in which to highlight other features of your item. Other common abbreviations on eBay include NWT (new with tags) and NRFB (never removed from box).

For some online and print classified ads, sellers may have to pay for each character used in the title to description. Here, abbreviations are used to cut down on the actual cost of placing the classified ad. Some classified ad providers may require you to use its abbreviation style guide. This gives you an acceptable abbreviations list with a standard format for capitalization and punctuation to follow when writing an ad. For online classifieds you should always check that specific Web site for a list of accepted abbreviations. Print classifieds ads (e.g. your local newspaper) may also have this requirement.

Webopedia’s Guide to Online Buying and Selling Abbreviations

The following list of abbreviations are widely used Internet abbreviations and acronyms found on eBay, eBay alternatives and online classified ad marketplaces.

Abbreviation Meaning
Numbers & Characters

$/EA Dollar amount per item each
$/TRADE For sale or trade
0FB Zero feedback, refers to a new member
1st ed. First Edition (books, magazines, prints)
1Day A one day auction/listing
1TO One time only
3Day A three day auction/listing
4WD Four wheel drive (automotive)

A+ Good condition
A1 Perfect condition
A/C Air conditioning (classifieds, automotive)
access. Accessories (classifieds)
acctg. Accounting (classifieds)
ADDY E-mail address
ADV Advertise
ADV Adventure (books, magazines, prints)
AEK All-electric kitchen (real estate)
aft. After (classifieds)
AFAIK As far as I know
AFFA Antique Americana Folk Art
agcy Agency
AGW Actual gold weight
AKA Also known as
AIR Airmail
AL Auction listing
ALUM Aluminum
ALUM/W Aluminum wheels (automotive)
ANT Antenna (automotive)
ANTH Anthology (books, magazines, prints)
AO All original
approx. Approximately
ARC Advanced reader copy (books, magazines, prints)
ASAP As soon as possible
ASE American Silver Eagle (coins)
AS IS “As is / where is”. Usually means no returns.
ASW Actual silver weight
AT Automatic (classifieds)
AUTO Autographed

B2B Business-to-business
B2C Business-to-consumer
BARE No box, accessories etc.
BATT CHGR Battery Charger (automotive)
BBC Bottom back cover (books, magazines, prints)
BC Back cover (books, magazines, prints)
BCE Book club edition (books, magazines, prints)
BF Best fit
BJ Ball jointed body (dolls & toys)
BK Bent knee (dolls & toys)
BK Broken
bk. Broken (classifieds)
bkgrd. Background (classifieds)
B&M Brick-and-mortar (retail store)
BLB Big little book
BL Big lot
BM Branch Mint: Any U.S. mint other than Philadelphia. (coins)
BO Best offer
BP Blister / bubble pack
BSMT Basement (real estate)
BTH Bathroom (real estate)
BTS Back to school
B&W Black & white
BWI Boxed with instructions
BC Back cover
BIN Buy it Now (eBay’s Instant Purchase)
BNIB Brand new in box
BNIP Brand new in package
BNNW Brand new never worn
BNWL Brand new with label
BNWT Brand new with tags
BUNG Bungalow (real estate)
BV Bullion value (coins)

c. Circa (classifieds)
C Cartridge (video games)
C/VAC Central vacuum (real estate)
C2C Consumer-to-consumer
CAYOR Cash at your own risk
CC Cashier check
CC Classic collection (toys, action figures)
CCE Certified coin exchange (coins)
CCG Collectible card game
CD Compact disc
CDL Commercial Drivers License (employment ads)
CDN Canadian
COND Condition
CEIL Ceiling (real estate)
CF Centerfold (magazines)
C&I Cartridge and instructions (video games)
CHSNS Cushions
CIB Cartridge in box
CIP Customer initiated payment
CLA Cleaned, lubricated, adjusted (cameras)
CM Customized
CNP Complete (with) No Package
COA Certificate of authenticity
conven. Convenient (classifieds)
CPN Coupon
Cr. Circle (classifieds)
CS Customer service
C&S Creamer & sugar
C&S Cup & saucer
CT Carats (jewelry)
cu. Cubic
Cust. Customs

DBL Double
DJ Dust jacket (books, magazines, prints)
DK Deck (real estate)
DOA Dead on arrival, meaning item does not work.
dr. Doors (real estate)
DRS Doors (real estate)
DSR Detailed Seller Ratings (eBay term)
DUTCH Dutch auction, meaning multiple quantities of the same item are available.

E East (classifieds)
ea. Each (classifieds)
EAC Early American Coppers (coins)
EAPG Early American pattern glass (pottery & glass)
ed. Edition
EF Extra fine
EFI Electronic Fuel Injection (automotive)
EIK Eat-in kitchen (real estate)
ELEC Electric
EMB Embossed
ENS En-suite (real estate)
EP Extended play (records, movies)
EST Eastern Standard Time
EUC Excellent used condition
EUR Euros
eves Eevening
EX Excellent (condition)
exc. Excellent (classifieds)
EXLIB. Means book was a former library book (books, magazines, prints)
exp pref Experience preferred (employment ads)
exp req Experience required (employment ads)

F Fair (condition)
FAQ Frequently asked questions
FB Feedback
FC Fine condition
FC Front cover (books, magazines, prints)
fdbk Feedback
FDC “Fleur de Coin”, meaning flawless no wear (coins)
FDD Computer floppy drive (computers & electronics)
FDR Formal dining room (real estate)
F/E First edition (books)
FEX FEDEX / Federal Express Shipping
FFP Fireplace (real estate)
FN Fine (condition)
FL Firing limit (pottery, glass)
FP Fixed price
FR Fair (condition)
FS For sale
FS Factory sealed
FSoT For sale or trade
FT For trade
FT Full time (employment ads)
FV Final value
FVF Final value fee (eBay)
FVFC Final value fee credit (eBay)

G Good (condition)
galv. Galvanized (classifieds)
GBP Great Britain Pound
GF Gold filled (jewelry)
GD Good (condition)
gen General
GMM Gallery Mint Museum (coins)
GP Gold plate (jewelry)
gr Grade
GU Gently used (condition)

HB Hard back (books)
HC Hard cover (books)
HDWD Hardwood Floors (real estate)
HIC Hole in cover (books)
HI CEILS High ceilings (real estate)
HOF Hall of Fame
HP Home page
HPF Home page featured
HSDIP High school diploma (employment ads)
HTF Hard to find
HW Hot water

IBG Inside back cover (books, magazines, prints)
ICG Independent Coin Grading (coins)
IFG Inside front cover (books)
IM Instant message
IMG Image
IMMAC Immaculate
INIT Initials
ISH Issue (magazines)
ISO In search of

JD John Deere (classifieds, automotive)

kt. Karat (jewelry)

L Large
LDYS Ladies
LE Limited edition (collectables)
LF Looking for
LN Like new (condition)
LPUO Local pick up only
lt Light
LTD Limited edition
LVGRM Living room (real estate)

M/ Missing
M/O Money order
MAG Magazine
MBR Master bedroom (real estate)
MET Metallic (automotive)
MFG Manufacturer
MIB Mint in box
MIJ Made in Japan
MIM Make it mine
MIMB Mint in Mint Box
MIU Made in USA
MNB Mint no box
MO Money order
MOC Mint on card
MOP Mother of pearl (jewelry)
MOWMT Mint with mint tags
MS Microsoft
MS Mint state (coins)
Abbreviation Meaning

N North (classifieds)
NAI Not all inclusive
NAP Not affected play (records)
NARU Not a registered user
NATL National
NBW Never been worn
NC No cover (books, magazines, prints)
NEG Negative feedback
NRFB Never removed from box
NIB New in box
NIP New in package
NLA No longer available
NM Near mint
NNPW New never played with
NORES No reserve
NOS New old stock
NP Not packaged or no package
NPB Non paying bidder/buyer
NR No reserve
N/R No reserve
NRFB Never removed from box
NRP Not reproduction
NWOT New without tags
NWT New with tags

OA Online auction
OAS Online auction site
OBO Or best offer
O/C On canvas (paintings)
OCC Occasional
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OLTP Online transaction process
OOAK One of a kind
OOP Out of print
OP Original post
OP Operator or operated
OPT Optional
ORN Ornament
OTT Ottoman

P Poor (condition)
PB Power brakes (automotive)
pc. Piece (classifieds)
PCGS Professional Coin Grading Service (coins)
pd. Paid (classifieds)
pgr. Pager (contact details)
PICS Pictures
pkg. Package (classifieds)
PLS Please
PM Post marked
PM Priority mail
PORC Porcelain
POS Point of sale
POTT Pottery
PP PayPal
PR Poor (condition)
PR Proof (coins)
PR Pair
PROP Propeller
priv. Private
PS Power steering (automotive)
PST Pacific Standard Time
PT Part time (employment ads)
PTO Power take off (automotive)
PW Power windows (automotive)

qual. Quality or qualifications (classifieds)
qtr. Quarter or quarterly (classifieds)

R Reprint (books)
RA Rear axle (automotive)
RAD Radiator (automotive)
RAH Real American Hero (toys, action figures)
REMAN Remanufactured (automotive)
RET Retired (collectables)
RBC Right side of back cover (books)
RBLT Rebuilt
RFSO Request for Standing Offer (real estate)
RND Round
ROM Romantic (books, magazines, prints)
RP Return policy
RP Reproduction
RSVP Respond as soon as possible
RS Rhinestone (jewelry)
RT Right
RTM Read the manual

S South (classifieds)
s/ Signed (classifieds)
sal Salary (employment ads)
SCR Scratch (condition)
SCU Scuff (records)
SGN Signed
S/H (S&H) Shipping and handling
S/H/I Shipping, handling, and insurance
SIG Signature
SIL Silver
SLD Sealed
SLT Slight
SNAIL MAIL Regular surface, basic postal shipping method
S/O Sold out
SP Speed
SPD Speed
SS Stainless steel
SS Still sealed
SS Sterling silver (jewelry)
SS Single sheet (stamps)
SSL Secure Socket Layer
STC Stand up cab (automotive)
STER Sterling
STR Sell through rate
STV Stove (real estate)
SWB Short Wheel Base (automotive)
SYI Sell your item
SZ Size

T&G Tongue & groove
T/W Tilt wheel (automotive)
TA Trading assistant (eBay)
TD Turbo diesel (automotive)
TDF To die for
TIA Thanks in advance
TM Trusted Merchant (Overstock)
TM Trademark
TW Township (real estate)

U Used
UID Unpaid items dispute (eBay)
UNC Un-circulated (coins)
UNREG Unregistered vehicle (automotive)
UNU Unused
UPI Unpaid item
UPR Upper floor (real estate)
US United States
USPS United States Postal Service

VERO Verified registered owner
VFM Value for money
VG Very good (condition)
VGC Very good condition
VHTF Very hard to find
VICT Victorian
V/M/D Visa / Mastercard / Discover
VU Views (real estate)

W West (classifieds)
W/ (w/) With
W/C Water color (paintings)
W/O (w/o) Without
WB White border
WIC Walk-in closet (real estate)
WKNDS Weekends (contact details)
WOB Writing on back
WOF Writing on face
WP Waterproof
WR Water resistant
WRK Work
WS Widescreen
WTB Wanted to buy
WU Wind up

XL Extra large

yd. Yard
YGF Yellow gold filled (jewelry)
YMMV Your mileage may vary
yr. Year (classifieds)

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Based in Nova Scotia, Vangie Beal is has been writing about technology for more than a decade. She is a frequent contributor to EcommerceGuide and managing editor at Webopedia. You can tweet her online @AuroraGG.

This article was originally published on November 06, 2009

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