Hotmail was one of the first public webmail services that could be accessed from any web browser. It debuted in...
Abby Braden
The fill handle is a tool in Microsoft Excel that helps improve productivity. This feature makes it possible to fill...
Kaiti Norton
SSID is short for Service Set IDentifier. In layman’s terms, an SSID is the name for a WiFi network. People...
Abby Braden
It’s sometimes easy for meaning to get lost in written communication, so it’s necessary to make faces with text. Emoticons...
Kaiti Norton
Chkdsk, short for check disk, is a system tool and command run utility that is used on DOS and Microsoft...
Abby Braden
Need a hand in sending your first direct message (DM) on one of the fastest growing social media platforms in...
Sam Ingalls
The hard disk drive within a computer stores all of the device’s persistent, or secondary, storage. As computer users download...
Jenna Phipps
Reformatting—or more accurately, formatting—a hard drive is a rare task, but one that is an important part of owning a...
Kaiti Norton
To reboot your computer means to restart it by closing out open programs, wiping any current processes residing in...
Abby Braden
Cryptocurrency mining has grown exponentially in the last decade. Learn how to start crypto mining with our guide.
Sam Ingalls
You may need to find the IP address for your router when configuring a virtual private network (VPN) or troubleshooting...
Kaiti Norton
Microsoft Word is a graphical word processing program used to create text-based documents. It’s included in all of the Microsoft...
Abby Braden