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    Home / Definitions / Small Business Server

    A small business server is typically a low-end server designed to be affordable and manageable in a small business environment. Small Business servers are suitable for one to dozens of employees and may come pre-installed with the software needed to run the server.

    A small business one server is often used to manage multiple network services including email, threat management, Internet connectivity, file and printer sharing, remote access and data backups.

    Small business servers differ from servers used in large corporations and data centers, which are often dedicated to perform a primary task. Multiple dedicated servers (such as print servers, Web servers or database servers) perform no other function apart from their designated task.

    Webopedia Small Business Server Q&A Slideshows

    1) Do I Need More Than One Server?
    2) Does Your Business really Need a Server?
    3) How Much Will a Server Cost?

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