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Page jumping refers to clicking a link and instantly getting moved to a specific part on a web page. Also called jump links or anchor links, it is a smart and convenient way to link website visitors from one part of the content to another. Page jumping saves time by letting visitors head straight to information that is relevant to them, preventing a higher bounce rate. Users simply have to click the link to be taken straight to the relevant part of the content they are interested in. Web developers don t have to make extensive coding or plugin to implement it.

In website maintenance, a page jump refers to a page that is temporarily posted to redirect users when the URL address is being changed.

In web advertising and marketing, a jump page can be a splash page containing a flash animation or pop-up window with graphics and texts to capture user attention for promotion or information-gathering purposes.

How to create a page jump

Page jumping helps grow websites and businesses faster. Here are the steps in making a page jump.

1. Name the object or text being linked to

A normal linking scenario involves the specific URL of the page being linked to. In page jumping, developers have to give a name for the link s destination since it is within the source page. It needs to describe it so visitors know where they are being redirected.

2. Insert the name into an opening HTML anchor link tag

The format is: .Developers can replace the red text with the link destination s name.

3. Place the opening tag before the text being linked to and add the closing tag

This sets the location of the link and should look like this:

The object you want to link to.

4. Create the hyperlink to the text or object

Add a typical hyperlink HTML markup, but include a pound (#) sign in the part where a URL is typically included. Then, the name of the object being linked to comes after.

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