IBM Cloud refers to a collection of enterprise-class technologies and services developed to help customers assess their cloud readiness, develop adoption strategies and identify business entry points for a cloud environment. IBM’s cloud computing strategy is based on a hybrid cloud model that focuses on integrating the private cloud services of a company with the public cloud.
One large component of the IBM Cloud strategy is SaaS IBM Cast Iron Cloud, a cloud integration appliance that emerged following IBM’s acquisition of Cast Iron Systems in 2010. Additional components include IBM Strategy and Change Services for Cloud Adoption and IBM Strategy and Design Services for Cloud Infrastructure to help clients develop a cloud roadmap, as well as IBM Smart Business Development and Test Cloud, IBM Smart Desktop Cloud, IBM Cloud Service Provider Platform to help build an enterprise cloud environment.
To help ramp up its cloud computing initiative, IBM also recently opened a large cloud research facility in Singapore, launched a core cloud facility in its Raleigh, N.C. data center, and unveiled a new cloud certification program.