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Home / Definitions / HR Acronyms & Abbreviations

The human resources (HR) industry uses countless abbreviations and acronyms. Whether you’re new to the HR category, you’re part of an HRIS implementation team, you’re onboarding with a new job, or you just want to get into the field, it’s imperative to know what each of these means and what they define. We put together some of the most commonly used HR acronyms and abbreviations along with their meanings. Scroll or search below.

Acronym Meaning
ACA Affordable Care Act
AD&D Accidental Death and Dismemberment
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADEA Age Discrimination in Employment Act
ATS Applicant Tracking System
BLR Business and Legal Resources
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
BU Bargaining Unit
C&B Compensation and Benefits
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CISO Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
C-Suite C-level Suite (so named for the gathering of executive-level offices gathered in one place)
COO Chief Operating Officer (COO)
CO Compliance Officer
COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (Medical Insurance)
COLA Cost of Living Adjustment
CPE Continuing Professional Education
DOL Department of Labor
EAP Employee Assistance Program
EBS Employee Benefits Security
EDP Employee Development Plan
EE Employee
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EO Executive Officer
EOB Explanation of Benefits
EPA Equal Pay Act
FCRA Fair Credit Reporting Act
FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act
FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act
FSA Flexible Spending Account
FT Full-Time
FTE Full-Time Equivalent
FY Fiscal Year
HMO Health Maintenance Organization
HSA Health Savings Account
I-9 I-9 Employment Eligibility Documentation Form
IRA Individual Retirement Account
JD Job Description
KPI Key Performance Indicators
KPM Key Performance Measures
KSA’s Knowledge, Skills, Abilities
L&D Learning and Development
LMS Learning Management System
LOA Leave of Absence
LOS Length of Service
LR Labor Relations
LTC Long-Term Care
LTD Long-Term Disability
LTE Limited Term Employee
LWOP Leave Without Pay
LWP Leave With Pay
OT Overtime
PD Position Description
PPO Preferred Provider Organization
PT Part-time
PTO Paid Time Off
QR Quarterly Review
SHRM Society for Human Resource Management
STD Short-Term Disability
T&D Training and Development
WC Worker’s Compensation

Further Reading

We break down the best HR systems for businesses | TechnologyAdvice

Reviews and free trials of top HR systems | SoftwarePundit

Check out emerging HRIS trends for the upcoming year | CIO Insight

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