ESM is short for enterprise storage management.
Enterprise storage management, or ESM for short, is the phrase used to describe the tools, processes, and policies used to manage enterprise storage networks.
Benefits of Enterprise Storage Management
ESM is used to help organizations meet regulations concerning data retention, privacy and record keeping and assists in managing storage networks and storage services, such as virtualization, replication, mirroring, security, compression, traffic analysis, process automation, storage provisioning and related techniques.
The phrase also encompasses other storage technologies, such as process automation, storage management and real-time infrastructure products, and storage provisioning. With the volume of data being produced and stored within organizations growing at a rapid rate, managing that data and the hardware that stores it can be a major headache.
Webopedia’s Storage Management Resources
Webopedia’s Storage Management definition
Understanding Enterprise Storage Management Technologies and Issues
What is Storage Resource Management?
Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Explained
Webopedia’s Storage Networking definition
What is Tiered Storage?
Choosing Enterprise Storage Management Technologies
Enterprises need to choose storage management technologies that are designed specifically for utility services. This means carefully considering the solutions available and choosing the one that helps them deliver great service responsiveness while simultaneously cutting the TCO or achieving more with less. The storage solution must be simple to manage, must improve storage capacity utilization and must be easy to scale. Mistakes that many organizations make is that they attempt to use traditional or legacy storage products as the foundation for a new utility storage environment, which can create major problems.