Honeycomb is the dessert-themed Android codename for the version 3.0 update of the open source Android mobile operating system. Honeycomb made its debut in February 2011 as a tablet-centric update that delivered a new interface optimized for devices with larger screen sizes (particularly tablets), video chat support based on Google Talk protocols, a new System Bar for global status and notifications and an Action Bar for application control, tabbed Web browsing, optimized soft keyboard and a new email interface.
Honeycomb followed several earlier updates for Android Cupcake (v1.5), Donut (v1.6), Eclair (v2.0), FroYo (v2.2) and Gingerbread (v2.3) and is expected to be followed by the upcoming Ice Cream Sandwich (v4.0) update currently in development.
See also Android platform, Android SDK and Android codenames.