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Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement is the illegal use, production, or sale of materials copyrighted by another person or organization. When rights granted...

Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player is software used to run content created on the Adobe Flash platform, such as viewing multimedia content,...

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is an industry-standard vector-based graphic design application. Designers use it to create web and mobile graphics, logos, icons...


Three dimensional (3D) is something that has width, height, and depth. Our physical world is three dimensional, and we are...


Adobe Inc. is a technology company that creates software applications with a creative design edge. It aims to “change the...


An infographic is a visual representation of information or data. It combines the words information and graphic and includes a...

Computer Numerical Control Machine

A computer numerical control machine is a computer that gives commands to manufacturing machines to help design and produce equipment...

User Experience

User experience describes a user's interaction with products, systems, and services and includes usability, design, navigation, and impression.

Adobe Certified Associate (ACA)

An Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) credential certifies that individuals have the entry-level skills to plan, design, build and maintain effective...


In graphics software, a layer is the term used to describe the different levels at which you can place an...

Warm Colors

The phrase warm color is used to describe any color that is vivid or bold in nature. Warm colors are...


In color, the word shade is used to reference how dark the color is. For example, hunter is a shade...