Home / Data Warehousing

Data Warehousing

85 posts
Cloud data warehouses (DWs) enable organizations to store massive amounts of data across cloud servers and access them from anywhere...
Maheen Kanwal
Siji Roy
Snowflake is a data management platform that offers data management and data warehouse services with unique capabilities to handle data....
Siji Roy
Shelby Hiter
Qualitative data is any set of data, including text, images, and video, that expresses the subjective and interpretive qualities of...
Shelby Hiter
Vangie Beal
An array is a data structure in computer programming that organizes data. Arrays hold elements with the same data type,...
Vangie Beal
Vangie Beal
A petabyte is 1015 bytes of digital information. The unit symbol for the petabyte is PB. It is a measure...
Vangie Beal
Forrest Stroud
The codename for a Microsoft project that will provide support for mixing in-memory database tables with more traditional on-disk tables...
Forrest Stroud
Forrest Stroud
A relational database system that supports both in-memory and on-disk storage. Hybrid databases are typically deployed to retain the high...
Forrest Stroud
Forrest Stroud
A database that uses a system’s main memory for data storage rather than the disk-based storage typically utilized by traditional...
Forrest Stroud
Vangie Beal
The phrase unstructured data usually refers to information that doesn’t reside in a traditional row-column database. As you might expect,...
Vangie Beal
Vangie Beal
Structured data refers to any data that resides in a fixed field within a record or file. This includes data...
Vangie Beal
Vangie Beal
An MPEG compression artifact that blurs the outline of sharp objects. The Gibbs Effect is commonly seen in end-video credits...
Vangie Beal
Webopedia Staff
A proprietary video codec developed by On2 Technologies that used in Adobe Flash Player 8 and newer versions. See also...
Webopedia Staff