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Beacons Busting Out All Over

If you haven’t encountered beacons yet, chances are you will soon. Beacons are small and usually inexpensive devices that employ...

The Problem With Statistics

“95% of statistics are made up on the spot.” – popular statistics quote Here in Canada our upcoming federal election...

What Makes Up The Digital Economy

A relatively new term is gaining steam as dominant technology trends converge into an entity that is larger than even...

Sharing Threat Intelligence: An Old Idea Gaining New Credibility

Sharing threat intelligence is an old idea that appears to be earning new credibility. Researchers, security professionals and government entities...

Small Business Marketing’s Greatest Hits

Marketing is a hot topic for small business owners, which is why we spend a lot of time thinking and...

Taking Ownership Through Digital Governance

Ownership can take on many forms. In the IT and business space, ownership is often expressed in total cost of...

Have We Become A World Of Addicts?

I recently called a plumber to my home, but he arrived two hours late because the previous customer had a...

Cloud Computing Market Leaders, 2015

When Gartner speaks, the cloud computing market listens. In the fractured, still immature cloud market, the research firm’s annual Magic...

OpenStack Brings Liberty to the Cloud

When it comes to the public cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the clear winner today. Outside of the public...

Interesting Times: Transformation in the IT Channel

The old saying “may you live in interesting times” is a blessing or a curse, depending on how you look...

It’s Happening Now: Perceptual Computing is Real

It is no longer just a matter of simply using touch, voice, and keyboards to provide your computer with information....

Guarding Your Data Against Cyber Attacks

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you...