Articles by

Kelvene Requiroso

Kelvene Requiroso is a writer and an enthusiast interested in the interplay between technology and everyday life. He writes for TechnologyAdvice, Baseline, eSecurity Planet, and Webopedia. Also a lover of science fiction and fantasy, he publishes an ongoing web novel series. He has previously worked with non-profits and non-government organizations in Manila, Philippines.

Kelvene Requiroso

Stack Overflow

Stack overflow is an error in programming that a user-mode thread encounters when attempting to write more data but the...


Convergence is the merging and integration of two or more distinct technologies in a single system. For example, a smartphone...


Whitelisting is a cybersecurity strategy that only allows an approved list of applications, programs, websites, IP addresses, email addresses, or...


Convergence is the merging and integration of two or more distinct technologies in a single system. For example, a smartphone...


Marketo is a data-driven marketing automation platform offered as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). With its advanced, AI-powered application tools, Marketo provides businesses...


NoSQL (Not Only SQL) is a type of database for web applications and big data which allows users to store...

Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle holds that 80 percent of consequences can come from 20 percent of causes. Named after the Italian...

Thumb Drive

A thumb drive, or USB flash drive, is a small device with flash memory used for storing, reading, writing, and...


Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) is an on-demand, online, and pay-as-you-go delivery of scalable computing resources, including hardware, storage, virtualization, network, security, operating...


Canonical is the term used to describe an entity that adheres to an original, authoritative text or to a set...