) [Image: Screenshot showing a visual representation of a tag cloud. This image shows the “All time most popular tags”...
Vangie Beal
(1) Commonly used in blogs, site authors attach keyword descriptions (called tags) to identify images or text within their site...
Vangie Beal
Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of the World Wide Web that is focused on...
Vangie Beal
TnL or T&L, short for Transform and Lighting it refers to a hardware feature found on some graphics cards. TnL...
Vangie Beal
Clock gating is one of the power-saving techniques used on the Pentium 4 processor. To save power, clock gating refers...
Webopedia Staff
TrackBack is a type of peer-to-peer communication system that was designed to send notification of updates between two Web sites...
Webopedia Staff
(1) Polling is a CAM. In a master/slave scenario, the master queries each slave device in turn as to whether...
Webopedia Staff
A portmanteau word from “web log,” a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal...
Amanda Scheldt
(1) Short for Symmetric Multiprocessing, a computer architecture that provides fast performance by making multiple CPUs available to complete individual...
Vangie Beal
An online discussion group. Online services and bulletin board services (BBS’s) provide a variety of forums, in which participants with...
Vangie Beal