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Infrastructure 2.0

Jenna Phipps
Last Updated May 24, 2021 8:02 am

Infrastructure 2.0 describes the integration of intelligent technology into American public infrastructure namely highways. This is sometimes referred to as smart infrastructure. According to some, though, Infrastructure 2.0 is not only about fusing smart technology into roadways but also incorporating it into all facets of everyday life. This includes smart devices but could also mean buildings and street lights: everything would be part of the Internet of Things.

American public infrastructure is still somewhat operating from systems that were used in the early 1900s to build road systems. Not only do current construction practices and materials contribute to pollution and damage the earth, but they also don’t make it easy to access the layers of public systems underneath, such as water, electric, and sewer. More sustainable and accessible roadways would greatly improve the public infrastructure, but more than that is necessary, according to some experts: roads need smart technology infused within them for increased data collection, resource management, and communication. With intelligent technology, roads could potentially interact with cars and devices and surrounding buildings or street lights. A few road systems are already experimenting with this for example, turning on lights in the roads based on who is driving at the time and saving electricity and resources.

Though Infrastructure 2.0 may seem far away, it is a growing possibility. The Internet of Things (IoT) is steadily expanding to include devices and systems for everyday life. Sensors and technology installed into roadways would provide one more method for data analysis and computing integration.

Alternate definitions

Infrastructure 2.0 was used earlier in the 2000s to describe the radical shift in network infrastructure from entirely physical computer networks to virtual and cloud-based ones. It was called Infrastructure 2.0 because it required such an enormous move from what businesses had been doing and required them to adapt quickly if they wanted to keep up. The growth of virtual data centers and cloud computing brought flexibility to enterprises, but it also brought significant security issues and challenges of transferring data to the cloud. Infrastructure 2.0 is now commonly known as dynamic infrastructure.