Refers to the sharpness and clarity of an image. The term is most often used to describe monitors, printers, and...
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The phenomenon whereby a display screen appears to flicker. Screen flicker results from a variety of factors, the most important...
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A terminal that has some processing capabilities, but not as many as an intelligent terminal. Smart terminals have built-in logic...
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A technique for improving LCD display screens by twisting light rays. In addition to normal supertwist displays, there also exist...
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(1) A device that enables you to communicate with a computer. Generally, a terminal is a combination of keyboard and...
Vangie Beal
Text mode is a video mode in which a display screen is divided into rows and columns of boxes. Each...
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Short for thin film transistor, a type of LCD flat-panel display screen, in which each pixel is controlled by from...
Vangie Beal
A type of display screen that has a touch-sensitive transparent panel covering the screen. Instead of using a pointing device...
Webopedia Staff
TTL stands for transistor-transistor logic and refers to a special type of digital circuit. More commonly, however, TTL is used...
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VDT radiation is described as the radiation emitted by video display terminals. Like televisions, computer monitors emit various types of...
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A video adapter is a board that plugs into a personal computer to give it display capabilities. The display capabilities...
Vangie Beal
Video mode is the setting of a video adapter. Most video adapters can run in either text mode or graphics...
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