A type of mobile phone service subscription which allows cellphone owners to pay in advance for talk time, and add...
Webopedia Staff
An extension to the short message service (SMS) that allows messages longer than 160 alpha-numeric characters with 7-bit character encoding...
Vangie Beal
The geographical area in which a wireless network company offers cellular service for their own mobile phone subscribers. Also called...
Vangie Beal
SMSC is short for Short Message Service (SMS) Center. The SMS center is responsible for routing and regulating the SMS...
Vangie Beal
Short for Mobile Identification Number it is a unique 24-bit number assigned by the wireless service provider (carrier) to each...
Vangie Beal
The sound a mobile phone makes to notify the owner they have an incoming call. The term is most often...
Vangie Beal
In mobile phone terminology, analog roaming is a feature in digital phones that give users the capability to roam on...
Vangie Beal
Flight mode is a feature in many mobile phones and PDAs that allows you to use basic operations of the...
Vangie Beal
Mobile phone base stations are low-power multi-channel two-way radios. When you talk on a mobile phone, you (and perhaps dozens...
Vangie Beal
Short for Mobile Directory Number it is the specific phone number assigned to a mobile phone.
Vangie Beal
In mobile phones, number portability is the capability to change a mobile phone carrier without changing a mobile directory number...
Webopedia Staff
An electronic telecommunications device, often referred to as a cellular phone or cellphone. Mobile phones connect to a wireless communications...
Vangie Beal