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67 posts
Webopedia Staff
A feature of Windows that began in Windows 98 that allows the user to store Web content on the desktop....
Webopedia Staff
Webopedia Staff
Refers to content on a Web site that is either interactive, such as Internet polls or opt-in features, or dynamic,...
Webopedia Staff
Webopedia Staff
On the Internet, a walled garden refers to a browsing environment that controls the information and Web sites the user...
Webopedia Staff
Webopedia Staff
A technique that forces a user to remain on a specific Web site by not allowing the user to leave...
Webopedia Staff
Webopedia Staff
Hotlist is a list of frequently accessed documents. The term is often used to describe a list of Web pages...
Webopedia Staff
Webopedia Staff
The original name for Netscape’s browser, now called Navigator. Some people claim that the term is a contraction of Mosaic...
Webopedia Staff
Vangie Beal
ActiveX control is a control using Microsoft ActiveX technologies. An ActiveX control can be automatically downloaded and executed by a...
Vangie Beal
Vangie Beal
Founded in 1975 by Paul Allen and Bill Gates, Microsoft Corporation is one of the largest and most influential companies...
Vangie Beal
Webopedia Staff
A technology developed by Macromedia, Inc. that enables Web pages to include multimedia objects. To create a shockwave object, you...
Webopedia Staff
Vangie Beal
(v) To mark a document or a specific place in a document for later retrieval. Nearly all Web browsers support...
Vangie Beal
Webopedia Staff
(n.) A hardware or software module that adds a specific feature or service to a larger system. The idea is...
Webopedia Staff
Webopedia Staff
Navigator is the name of Netscape Communication’s popular Web browser. There are many versions of Navigator, and it runs on...
Webopedia Staff